Look at the graph below, obtained from OpenVAERS mortality reports page.8 As you can see, reports of deaths following the COVID jab peaked right at the beginning of April 2021, then dropped down again during the month of April. Interestingly enough, the study notes that the daily vaccination rate has declined by 78% since April 13, 2021.

However, while the daily vaccination rate has plummeted since April, reported deaths have remained high and relatively steady. Could this be a hint that people are dying from shots they received earlier in the year?

11 supply chain trade groups joined forces against President Joe Biden’s employer-based COVID-19 vaccine mandate

  • American Trucking Associations
  • Mississippi Trucking Association,
  • Texas Trucking Association,
  • Louisiana Motor Transport Association,
  • American Trucking Associations,
  • National Association of Wholesale-Distributors,
  • FMI – The Food Industry Association,
  • International Warehouse & Logistics Association,
  • National Association of Convenience Stores,
  • International Foodservices Distributors Association,
  • National Retail Federation.


U.S. District Judge Lee Yeakel ruled in Austin the ban ordered by Republican Gov. Greg Abbott violated a federal law protecting disabled students’ access to public education. The nonprofit advocacy group Disabled Rights Texas argued Abbott’s ban prohibited accommodations for disabled children particularly vulnerable to COVID-19.

Yeakel prohibited Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton from suing school districts that require students to wear masks as a safety measure. Paxton already had sued 15 school districts to overturn those local mask mandates.


U.S. District Judge Lee Yeakel

501 West 5th Street, Suite 7300, Austin, TX 78701

  • Year Service Began:
  • Appointed By:
    President George W. Bush
  • Education:
    University of Texas (JD)
    University of Virginia (Masters of Law)
  • Judicial Experience:
    Justice on the Texas Court of Appeals for the 3rd District of Texas


The effectiveness of all three coronavirus vaccines available in the United States has dropped substantially after six months, new research published in the journal Science reveals.

The most dramatic drop was from Johnson & Johnson’s shot, whose effectiveness plummeted to 13.1 percent in September from 86.4 percent in March.

During the same time period, Pfizer’s vaccine also fell below the 50 percent effective mark to 43.3 percent from 86.9 percent when it was first administered.

Moderna’s effectiveness declined the least, but was still significant at 58 percent from 89.2 percent.


Masks can help reduce your chance of #COVID19 infection by more than 80%.

Masks also help protect from other illnesses like common cold and flu. Wearing a mask- along w/ getting vaccinated- are important steps to stay

healthy. #WeCanDoThis @HHSgov— Rochelle Walensky, MD, MPH (@CDCDirector) November 5, 2021

“The evidence is clear,” Dr. Walensky insists. “Masks can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 by reducing your chance of infection by more than 80 percent.” It doesn’t just apply to the Wuhan coronavirus though, but the flu and even the common cold. “In combination with other steps, like getting your vaccination, hand-washing, and keeping physical distance, wearing your mask is an important step you can take to keep us all healthy.” 


A recent study published by CDC contains concerning findings for the millions of Americans who are considered “immunocompromised,” or who have a reduced ability to fight infection or other diseases.

The study finds a majority (53%) of patients who were hospitalized with Covid-19-like illnesses were fully vaccinated with two-dose RNA shots.


Sweden the Success Story

COVID-19 deaths per 100,000 population, as of Oct. 14, 2021:

Sweden: 144.9

Spain: 184.4

United Kingdom: 206.7

United States: 217.5

Italy: 217.8

In other Nordic countries:

Denmark: 45.9

Finland: 19.9

Norway: 16.3


The American Trucking Associations (ATA) are reportedly weighing whether to cancel government contracts rather than firing employees over President Biden’s vaccine mandate set to take effect in December.

NYC FIREHouses close nov 1

Dozens of firehouses across New York City closed today as a vaccine mandate takes effect.

The New York Post reports at least 26 firehouses were shuttered because of staffing shortages.

(Headline USA) A New York judge on Wednesday allowed a COVID-19 vaccine mandate set to begin Friday to steamroll over the city’s municipal workforce, denying a police union’s request for a temporary restraining order.

Judge Lizette Colon said the mandate can take effect as scheduled while also ordering city officials to appear in court Nov. 12 to defend the requirement against a union lawsuit seeking to have it declared illegal.


Over the last seven days, Florida has had nine new cases of COVID-19 per day per 100,000 residents, according to The New York Times’ data dashboard.

Florida is tied with Hawaii for the lowest rate among the 50 U.S. states, and trails only American Samoa, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and the Northern Mariana Islands when including U.S. territories.

COVID-19 cases in Florida have declined by 90% since a peak of nearly 22,000 per day in August during the worst of the delta wave.

Southern states and their Republican governors, including Florida, were subject to media scrutiny during the delta surge as they faced higher rates of new cases and deaths than other parts of the country. Now, the south has the lowest rate of new cases per capita of the country’s four major regions, according to the NYT.


Dr. Deborah Birx, White House coronavirus response coordinator, speaks about the coronavirus in the James Brady Press Briefing Room of the White House, Monday, April 20, 2020, in Washington. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
AP Photo/Alex Brandon

I believe if we had fully implemented the mask mandates, the reduction in indoor dining, the getting friends and family to understand the risk of gathering in private homes, and we had increased testing, that we probably could have decreased fatalities into the 30 percent less to 40 percent less range.

President Donald Trump’s former coronavirus adviser, Dr. Deborah Birx, claims that 30 to 40 percent of the total coronavirus deaths could have been stopped had the White House been less focused on the 2020 election.

 Dr. Anthony Fauci said people had “no reason” to be wearing masks. 

Are Face Masks Effective? The Evidence.

Updated: October 2021
First published: July 2020

An overview of the current evidence regarding the effectiveness of face masks.

Contents: A) Published studies  B) Real-world evidence  C) N95/FFP2 masks  D) Additional aspects  E) The aerosol issue  F) Contrary evidence  G) Mask-related risks  H) Conclusion 

A) Studies on the effectiveness of face masks

So far, most studies found little to no evidence for the effectiveness of face masks in the general population, neither as personal protective equipment nor as a source control.

  1. A May 2020 meta-study on pandemic influenza published by the US CDC found that face masks had no effect, neither as personal protective equipment nor as a source control. (Source)
  2. Danish randomized controlled trial with 6000 participants, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine in November 2020, found no statistically significant effect of high-quality medical face masks against SARS-CoV-2 infection in a community setting. (Source)
  3. A large randomized controlled trial with close to 8000 participants, published in October 2020 in PLOS One, found that face masks “did not seem to be effective against laboratory-confirmed viral respiratory infections nor against clinical respiratory infection.” (Source)
  4. A February 2021 review by the European CDC found no high-quality evidence in favor of face masks and recommended their use only based on the ‘precautionary principle’. (Source)
  5. A July 2020 review by the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine found that there is no evidence for the effectiveness of face masks against virus infection or transmission. (Source)
  6. A November 2020 Cochrane review found that face masks did not reduce influenza-like illness (ILI) cases, neither in the general population nor in health care workers. (Source)
  7. An August 2021 study published in the Int. Research Journal of Public Health found “no association between mask mandates or use and reduced COVID-19 spread in US states.” (Source)
  8. A July 2021 experimental study published by the American Institute of Physics found that face masks reduced indoor aerosols by at most 12%, not enough to prevent infections. (Source)
  9. An April 2020 review by two US professors in respiratory and infectious disease from the University of Illinois concluded that face masks have no effect in everyday life, neither as self-protection nor to protect third parties (so-called source control). (Source)
  10. An article in the New England Journal of Medicine from May 2020 came to the conclusion that face masks offer little to no protection in everyday life. (Source)
  11. A 2015 study in the British Medical Journal BMJ Open found that cloth masks were penetrated by 97% of particles and may increase infection risk by retaining moisture or repeated use. (Source)
  12. An August 2020 review by a German professor in virology, epidemiology and hygiene found that there is no evidence for the effectiveness of face masks and that the improper daily use of masks by the public may in fact lead to an increase in infections. (Source)

For a review of studies claiming face masks are effective, see section F) below.

B) Development of cases after mask mandates

In many states, coronavirus infections strongly increased after mask mandates had been introduced. The following charts show the typical examples of Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain, the UK, California and Hawaii. Furthermore, a direct comparison between US states with and without mask mandates indicates that mask mandates have made no difference. (Charts: Y. Weiss)

For an updated version of these charts, see the postscript below.

C) Effectiveness of N95/FFP2 mask mandates

In January 2021, the German state of Bavaria was one of the first places in the world to mandate N95/FFP2 masks in most public settings. A comparison with other German states, which required cloth or medical masks, indicates that even N95/FFP2 masks made no difference.

Covid cases in the German state of Bavaria (FFP2/N95 mandate since 01/21) vs. Germany overall (RKI/ISC)

D) Additional aspects

  1. There is increasing evidence that the novel coronavirus is transmitted, at least in indoor settings, not only by droplets but primarily by smaller aerosols. However, due to their large pore size and poor fit, most face masks cannot filter out aerosols (see video analysis below): over 90% of aerosols penetrate or bypass the mask and fill a medium-sized room within minutes.
  2. The WHO admitted to the BBC that its June 2020 mask policy update was due not to new evidence but “political lobbying”: “We had been told by various sources WHO committee reviewing the evidence had not backed masks but they recommended them due to political lobbying. This point was put to WHO who did not deny.” (D. Cohen, BBC Medical Corresponent).
  3. To date, the only randomized controlled trial (RCT) on face masks against SARS-CoV-2 infection in a community setting found no statistically significant benefit (see above). However, three major journals refused to publish this study, delaying its publication by several months.
  4. An analysis by the US CDC found that 85% of people infected with the new coronavirus reported wearing a mask “always” (70.6%) or “often” (14.4%). Compared to the control group of uninfected people, always wearing a mask did not reduce the risk of infection.
  5. Researchers from the University of Minnesota found that the infectious dose of SARS-CoV-2 is just 300 virions (virus particles), whereas a single minute of normal speaking may generate more than 750,000 virions, making face masks unlikely to prevent infection.
  6. Contrary to common belief, studies in hospitals found that the wearing of a medical mask by surgeons during operations didn’t reduce post-operative bacterial wound infections in patients.
  7. Many health authorities claimed that face masks suppressed influenza; in reality, influenza was temporarily displaced by the more infectious coronavirus. Indeed, influenza disappeared even in states without masks, lockdowns and school closures (e.g. Sweden and Florida).
  8. The initially low coronavirus infection rate in some Asian countries was not due to masks, but due to very rapid border controls. For instance, Japan, despite its widespread use of face masks, had experienced its most recent influenza epidemic just one year prior to the covid pandemic.
  9. Early in the pandemic, the advocacy group “Mask for All” argued that Czechia had few infections thanks to the early use of masks. In reality, the pandemic simply hadn’t reached Eastern Europe yet; a few months later, Czechia had one of the highest infection rates in the world.
  10. During the notorious 1918 influenza pandemic, the use of face masks among the general population was widespread and in some places mandatory, but they made no difference.

E) The facemask aerosol issue

In the following video, Dr. Theodore Noel explains the facemask aerosol issue.

F) Studies claiming face masks are effective

Some recent studies argued that face masks are indeed effective against the new coronavirus and could at least prevent the infection of other people. However, most of these studies suffer from poor methodology and sometimes show the opposite of what they claim to show.

Typically, these studies ignore the effect of other measures, the natural development of infection rates, changes in test activity, or they compare places with different epidemiological conditions. Studies performed in a lab or as a computer simulation often aren’t applicable to the real world.

An overview:

  1. meta-study in the journal Lancet, commissioned by the WHOclaimed that masks “could” lead to a reduction in the risk of infection, but the studies considered mainly N95 respirators in a hospital setting, not cloth masks in a community setting, the strength of the evidence was reported as “low”, and experts found numerous flaws in the study. Professor Peter Jueni, epidemiologist at the University of Toronto, called the WHO study “essentially useless”.
  2. A study in the journal PNAS claimed that masks had led to a decrease in infections in three global hotspots (including New York City), but the study did not take into account the natural decrease in infections and other simultaneous measures. The study was so flawed that over 40 scientists recommended that the study be withdrawn.
  3. US study claimed that US counties with mask mandates had lower Covid infection and hospitalization rates, but the authors had to withdraw their study as infections and hospitalizations increased in many of these counties shortly after the study was published.
  4. German study claimed that the introduction of mandatory face masks in German cities had led to a decrease in infections. But the data did not support this claim: in some cities there was no change, in others a decrease, in others an increase in infections (see graph below). The city of Jena was an ‘exception’ only because it simultaneously introduced the strictest quarantine rules in Germany, but the study did not mention this.
  5. Canadian study claimed that countries with mandatory masks had fewer deaths than countries without mandatory masks. But the study compared countries with very different demographic structures and covered only the first few weeks of the pandemic.
  6. A review by the University of Oxford claimed that face masks are effective, but it was based on studies about SARS-1 and in health care settings, not in community settings.
  7. A review by members of the lobby group ‘Masks for All’, published in the journal PNAS, claimed that masks are effective as a source control against aerosol transmission in the community, but the review provided no real-world evidence supporting this proposition.
  8. A study published in Nature Communications in June 2021 claimed that masks reduced the risk of infection by 62%, but the study relied on numerous questionable modelling assumptions and on self-reported online survey results, not on actual measurements.
  9. A large study run in Bangladesh claimed that face masks “reduced symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections” by 0.08% (ARR) and only in people over 50. The study was designed and organized so poorly that it “ended before it even began”, according to one reviewer.
Mandatory masks in German cities: no relevant impact. (IZA 2020)

G) Risks associated with face masks

Wearing masks for a prolonged period of time may not be harmless, as the following evidence shows:

  1. The WHO warns of various “side effects” such as difficulty breathing and skin rashes.
  2. Tests conducted by the University Hospital of Leipzig in Germany have shown that face masks significantly reduce the resilience and performance of healthy adults.
  3. German psychological study with about 1000 participants found “severe psychosocial consequences” due to the introduction of mandatory face masks in Germany.
  4. The Hamburg Environmental Institute warned of the inhalation of chlorine compounds in polyester masks as well as problems in connection with face mask disposal.
  5. The European rapid alert system RAPEX has already recalled over 100 mask models because they did not meet EU quality standards and could lead to “serious risks”.
  6. A study by the University of Muenster in Germany found that on N95 (FFP2) masks, Sars-CoV-2 may remain infectious for several days, thus increasing the risk of self-contamination.
  7. In China, several children who had to wear a mask during gym classes fainted and died; autopsies found a sudden cardiac arrest as the probable cause of death. In the US, a car driver wearing an N95 (FFP2) mask fainted and crashed due to CO2 intoxication.

Video: A mask-wearing, 19-year-old US athlete collapsing during an 800-meter run (April 2021):


Face masks in the general population might be effective, at least in some circumstances, but there is currently little to no evidence supporting this proposition. If the coronavirus is indeed transmitted via indoor aerosols, face masks are unlikely to be protective. Health authorities should therefore not assume or suggest that face masks will reduce the rate or risk of infection.

Postscript (August 2021)

A long-term analysis shows that infections have been driven primarily by seasonal and endemic factors, whereas mask mandates and lockdowns have had no discernible impact (chartsIanMSC).

Further reading

See also

40% of California state employees are unvaccinated despite Gov. Gavin Newsom’s directive 

MASKING HOAX continues; IL

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D) on Tuesday said he is hopeful he can lift the statewide mask mandate before the holidays, but he made no promises as the state’s 14-day case average rises by 11 percent, while states with no mask mandates, such as Florida, drop by 33 percent in the same timeframe.

Southwest Airlines dropped a plan to put unvaccinated workers with pending exemptions on unpaid leave after a December 8 deadline following protests by their employees.

“The employee will continue to work, while following all COVID mask and distancing guidelines applicable to their position, until the accommodation has been processed,” according to an internal note obtained by CNBC written by Southwest’s Senior Vice President of Operations and Hospitality Steve Goldberg and Vice President and Chief People Officer Julie Weber.


Laramie, WY — The Board of Education in Albany County School District 1 of Wyoming has voted 6-1 to keep its mark of the sheep, or mask mandate to continue indefinitely after one of its schools, Laramie High School, had a 16-year-old girl handcuffed, arrested and fined for showing her face at school.

 Article 1, Section 38A states ‘each competent adult shall have the right to make his or her own healthcare decisions. The parent, guardian or legal representative of any other natural person should have the right to make healthcare decisions for that person.’”


The Transportation Security Administration says 4-in-10 members of its workforce, including screeners, remain unvaccinated against COVID-19 as its deadline looms.

The deadline for civilian federal government workers to be fully vaccinated is Nov. 22 — the Monday before Thanksgiving, one of the busiest travel times of the year.


The temporary ruling was issued by U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman so workers who filed for an exemption aren’t

A federal judge on Tuesday ordered United Airlines not to place workers seeking an exemption to the company’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate on unpaid leave.

The temporary ruling was issued by U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman so workers who filed for an exemption aren’t unduly harmed before he can hear oral arguments in the case.


Central Maine Medical Center in Lewiston is temporarily halting child and trauma admissions, and will close its neonatal intensive care unit later this month due to staff shortages sparked by Covid-19 vaccine mandates.

That’s according to Becker’s Hospital Review which described “acute nursing staffing shortages in key areas.”


1. No entity in Texas can compel receipt of a COVID-19 vaccine by any individual, including an employee or a consumer, who objects to such
vaccination for any reason of personal conscience, based on a religious belief, or for medical reasons, including prior recovery from COVID-19. I hereby suspend all relevant statutes to the extent necessary to enforce this prohibition.

2. The maximum fine allowed under Section 4 1 8. 173 of the Texas Government Code and the State’ s emergency management plan shall apply to any “failure to comply with” this executive order. Confinement in jail is not an available penalty for violating this executive order.

3. This executive order shall supersede any conflicting order issued by local officials in response to the COVID-19 disaster. Pursuant to
Section 418.016(a) of the Texas Government Code, I hereby suspend Sections 418.1015(b) and 418.108 of the Texas Government Code, Chapter 8 1 , Subchapter E of the Texas Health and Safety Code, and any other relevant statutes, to the extent necessary to ensure that local officials do not impose restrictions in response to the COVID-19 disaster that are inconsistent with this executive order.

Governor Abbott went on to add a call for legislative action in the current third called Special Session to codify the order into law.


Gov. Gavin Newsom admitted that his own daughter, who just turned 12, is not yet vaccinated against COVID-19 despite California’s sweeping mandate requiring students to get the shot.


The Australian reported. “Official Chinese government procurement data shows the buy-up of PCR equipment began in July 2019. The data has been handed to intelligence officials investigating the origins of Covid-19.”

Former director of US National ­Intelligence John Ratcliffe said the buy-up of PCR equipment in Wuhan in 2019 was significant. “I think there’s more than just smoke here, I think there’s fire from a whole bunch of different sources,” he said. “I think that would be ­another compelling piece of evidence, if you need more. I don’t need more.”

PCR – Polymerase Chain Reaction – equipment is used to ­research DNA and genes in laboratories. It has also been used to test for coronaviruses. The data shows the significant increase in PCR purchasing starts in July 2019.

Former CIA Director and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told Sky News last month that he believes that the pandemic originated in the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) and that he has seen evidence that he says indicates that the pandemic could have erupted as early as Summer 2019, which is consistent with the increased purchases of the tests.

“There was enormous, albeit indirect evidence, that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was the center point for this,” Pompeo said. “I’ve seen data points that place it in the summertime of 2019, late summer, July, August of 2019. I’ve seen no evidence that there’s a cluster that began any place but this. I’m all ears to see if any evidence that presents something, some fact set to the contrary.”


A settlement has been reached between a Mexican business owner and the state of Oregon after the business owner sued the state for discrimination because the state prioritized COVID-19 relief funds for black-owned businesses.

The state of Oregon exclusively granted black-owned businesses a $62 million coronavirus relief fund, also known as the Oregon Cares Fund.

The decision left other minority-owned business owners angry and desperate, including Maria Garcia of Revolucion Coffee. The terms of the settlement were not yet disclosed, OregonLive reports.

Garcia, owner of the coffee shop in downtown Portland, argued that the Oregon Cares Fund was an unconstitutional act of discrimination since it prioritized black people for assistance over other races. According to court documents, Garcia was forced to shut down her business for three months during the pandemic and said she would have qualified for relief if she were black.


The derangement over the vaccine is apparently on steroids in the NBA, with star Jonathan Isaac telling The Blaze that he’s not allowed to even eat in the same room with the team or go to team functions.

“I’m not allowed to go to team functions, or if the team is eating at a restaurant, I can’t eat in the same room as them. To me it just doesn’t logically follow for us then to get on the court together.”


“We’re making sure health care workers are vaccinated,” he added. “Because if you seek care at a health care facility, you should have the certainty that the pro- — the people providing that care are protected from COVID and cannot spread it to you.”


At 27 new infections per 100,000 people, Florida now has the second lowest rate of COVID-19 infection in the entire country. Since the August 25 peak, the number of estimated infections by Nowcasting ( has decreased 95.9 percent. The reproductive transmission number (Rt) statewide is at 0.49 from a peak value of 1.45 on July 15.

At 4.8% positivity rate over the past 7 days, Florida would now be considered “low transmission” according to CDC guidance. Cases on a 7 day average have fallen 77 percent in the past month alone. The number of cases reported yesterday was the lowest since July 5.

COVID-19 hospitalizations are down to 4,562. This is a decrease of 73% since the August 22 peak, and more than 40 consecutive days of decline. According to HHS data updated today, just 8.45% of inpatient beds in Florida hospitals are being used for COVID-19 patients. This is lower than the national average of 9.71%.


New COVID-19 cases for children ages 5-17 – the vast majority of the school-aged population – have decreased 79% in the month of September, in the 54 Florida counties where school districts have no masking policy or are following state law by honoring the parental opt-out rule.

For comparison, COVID-19 cases for children 5-17 in the 13 districts that imposed forced-masking in schools have decreased 77%, on average.

The 54 districts with opt-outs or no mask policy have seen an average decrease of 65% in positivity from week ending Aug. 19 (when school started) to the week ending Sep. 30.

The 13 districts that broke the law to impose forced-masking have seen an average decrease of 67%.
That is to say, the data for this school year to date shows no impact of forced masking in schools on pediatric COVID-19 prevalence. This is not surprising, since there were no statistically significant differences in case rates in forced-masking versus mask-optional schools during the 2020-21 school year in Florida.


Cotton questioned Monaco about the Department of Justice’s mobilization of federal law enforcement, at the recommendation of the National School Boards Association (NSBA), against parents who voice opposition to mask mandates and the teaching of concepts of Critical Race Theory at local school board meetings.

“Is it domestic extremism for a parent to advocate for their child’s best interests?” Cotton asked Monaco.

“I think the, what you have described, no I would not describe as domestic extremism,” she responded.


The full exchange between Cotton and Monaco is below:

Senator Cotton: Ms. Monaco, last week the National School Boards Association wrote to President Biden asking the administration to bring the full force and weight of the feds down onto parents who are protesting various school policies at school board meetings, including indoctrination of children with an anti-American doctrine known as Critical Race Theory, or protesting the requirement that children as young as two be required to wear masks. Now, I think we can all agree that violence is not an acceptable form of political protest and violence can never be used to achieve policy or political goals, but that’s not what the school board association letter focuses on. In fact, in one example of what the association thinks warrants federal criminal charges, they cite–and this is a direct quote, “An individual who prompted a school board to call a recess because of opposition to Critical Race Theory.” A recess. The association is asking the administration to use the Patriot Act, a law that this Congress passed and has repeatedly reauthorized, primarily to stop the threat of Islamic Jihadists, to bring criminal charges for domestic terrorism against parents who attend school boards to oppose things like Critical Race Theory or mask mandates resulting in a recess being called. Ms. Monaco is it domestic extremism for a parent to advocate for their child’s best interests?

Lisa Monaco: Well Senator, as you rightly point out that violence is not the answer, there can be very spirited public debate and there should be very spirited public debate on a whole host of issues, but when that tips over into violence or threats there is a role for law enforcement.

Senator Cotton: But Ms. Monaco, I’m sorry but my time is limited here, and I asked a simple yes or no question and I have several of them that I would like to ask. So, I would like a yes or no answer. Is it domestic extremism for a parent to advocate for their child’s best interests?

Lisa Monaco: I think the, what you have described, no I would not describe as domestic extremism.

Senator Cotton: Is it domestic extremism for a parent to want to have a say in what their child is taught at school?

Lisa Monaco: I think it’s important, although obviously not my field in the Justice Department, to opine on education policy. It’s important for parents’ voices to be heard but Senator I want to talk about what the Attorney General did do in response to that, the issue of threats…

Senator Cotton: Ms. Monaco, I want to get through my question, I grant you that no one, no one should ever threaten violence or use violence to try to achieve political or policy goals. They shouldn’t for instance follow Democratic Senators into the bathroom, violating state laws. No one should ever use threats of violence or violence to achieve political goals. I’m asking very simple questions here and trying to get to the bottom of what was on the Attorney General’s mind or the Department’s mind. Is it domestic extremism for parents to oppose their children being taught to treat people differently because of race?

Lisa Monaco: The Justice Department’s job, Senator, is to apply facts to law not to opine on letters that are put forward or you know I think it’s very important for the Justice Department to…

Senator Cotton: Ms. Monaco, it is a fact that the school board association just sent this letter to President Biden and then conveniently the Attorney General released his letter yesterday describing his “series of measures” to confront this grave and growing threat of parents protesting their kids being indoctrinated and the school board having to call a recess. Is there any connection between those two things?

Lisa Monaco: I want to be very clear on the memorandum that is publicly available the Attorney General issued talks about the importance of bringing federal, state, local law enforcement together to make sure that there is awareness on how to report threats that may occur and to ensure that there’s an open line of communication, to address threats, to address violence, and to address law enforcement issues in that context which is the job of the Justice Department, nothing more.

Senator Cotton: The United States just saw the largest single year increase in murders on record. Has the Attorney General issued a memorandum describing a special “series of measures” that the Department of Justice should take to try to address this record increase in murders?

Lisa Monaco: Yes, indeed Senator, and in fact I issued a directive to the field earlier this year.

Senator Cotton: You did? As the Attorney General.

Lisa Monaco: It was on behalf of the Attorney General and the rest of the leadership of the Justice Department to address the alarming rise in violent crime and to lay out a strategy for violent crime reduction which includes going after and using federal resources to target the most violent offenders, including those operating with guns, including those responsible for murders and violence in our communities. So, absolutely we take the alarming rise in violent crime exceptionally seriously, and indeed I have heard from the many hours I have spent with law enforcement leaders across this country how urgently they feel it is to address this rise in violent crime, and we are working every day to address that challenge.

Senator Cotton: My time is almost up and I just want to finish with one final question. Did anyone at the FBI express disagreements or any reticence at all about investigating disagreements between parents and school boards over curriculums and school policies?

Lisa Monaco: I don’t understand that to have been the, it absolutely was not the subject of the Attorney General’s memorandum, but the answer to your question is no.

Senator Cotton: Nobody at the FBI expressed any reticence?

Lisa Monaco: I’m sorry, Senator, if you are asking me what was the response to the Attorney General’s memorandum, I’ve heard no reticence, no concern. The job of U.S. Attorneys and FBI special agents in charge to be conveners in their community, to address violent issues in their community, is the core job of the Justice Department

Senator Cotton: Alright then.

A new report details that China purchased a massive amount of testing equipment for viruses like COVID-19 months before the WHO filed official reports of the outbreak in December 2019. The testing equipment in question is what is known as a PCR test or polymerase chain reaction test. These tests can be used to detect viruses in humans or animals.

The report indicates that spending for PCR tests jumped in China from 36.7 million yuan in 2018 to 67.4 million yuan in 2019. 

According to the Sydney Morning Herald, spending for the tests soared in China’s Hubei Province—where Wuhan is located—months before the official outbreak in December 2019.  A U.S.-Australian cybersecurity firm known as Internet 2.0 compiled data points of the PCR equipment purchases into a report.



Days after a national organization representing school board officials lamented to the Biden administration about “hate groups” intimidating education officials, Attorney General Merrick Garland has directed the FBI to combat “threats of violence” against administrators.Without citing specific cases, in a memorandum issued on Monday, Merrick Garland expressed concern about a “disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff who participate in the vital work of running our nation’s public schools.”

People hold up signs during a rally against “critical race theory” (CRT) being taught in schools at the Loudoun County Government center in Leesburg, Virginia, on June 12, 2021. – “Are you ready to take back our schools?” Republican activist Patti Menders shouted at a rally. (Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images)

TAMPA, FL - JULY 27: Families protest any potential mask mandates before the Hillsborough County Schools Board meeting held at the district office on July 27, 2021 in Tampa, Florida. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended those who are vaccinated should wear masks indoors including students returning to school. (Photo by Octavio Jones/Getty Images)
Families protest any potential mask mandates before the Hillsborough County Schools Board meeting held at the district office on July 27, 2021, in Tampa, Florida. (Photo by Octavio Jones/Getty Images)

A Loudoun County School Board meeting was halted because the crowd refused to quiet down in Ashburn, Virginia.
A Loudoun County School Board meeting was halted because the crowd refused to quiet down in Ashburn, Virginia.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco defended a new directive by U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland to stop a rise in what school officials call “threats and harassment” by parents who have been attending public school board meetings.

Attorney General Merrick Garland’s daughter is Rebecca Garland.  In 2018 Rebecca Garland married Xan Tanner   Mr. Xan Tanner is the current co-founder of a controversial education service company called Panorama Education. and   Panorama Education is the “social learning” resource material provider to school districts and teachers that teach Critical Race Theory.


The Government has been condemned after refusing to release details of key email conversations involving leading scientists over the origins of Covid-19.

This newspaper used Freedom of Information rules to obtain a cache of 32 emails about a secretive teleconference between British and American health officials held early in the pandemic.

But officials blacked out almost every word before releasing the crucial documents.

Before this discussion, several of the world’s most influential experts believed the new virus most likely came from a laboratory – but days later, the scientists began dismissing such scenarios as ‘implausible’ and branding them conspiracy theories.

This newspaper used Freedom of Information rules to obtain a cache of 32 emails about a secretive teleconference between British and American health officials held early in the pandemic


Groups like the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine also recommended pregnant people get vaccinated against COVID-19.

Pregnant and recently pregnant people are more likely to get severely ill with COVID-19 compared with non-pregnant people, CDC said. Cases of COVID-19 in symptomatic, pregnant people have a two-fold risk of admission into intensive care and a 70 percent increased risk of death.

Additionally, pregnant people with COVID-19 are at increased risk of preterm birth and might be at increased risk of other adverse pregnancy outcomes, compared with pregnant people without COVID-19.

Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards (D) extended the statewide mask mandate on Tuesday yet again, declaring that “masks have been proven to help slow the spread” of the Chinese coronavirus.

( it took me going to page 9 of biased google search to find one REAL study that confirms masking is worthless )

…even though the CDC says on their own website it is mostly not useful and slows nothing.

If worn properly, a surgical mask is meant to help block large-particle droplets, splashes, sprays, or splatter that may contain germs (viruses and bacteria), keeping it from reaching your mouth and nose. Surgical masks may also help reduce exposure of your saliva and respiratory secretions to others.Sep 15, 2021 (FDA)

Human Studies of Masking and SARS-CoV-2 Transmission

Data regarding the “real-world” effectiveness of community masking are limited to observational and epidemiological studies

Mitze43Population-based intervention with trend analysisJena (Thuringia), GermanyAprilCity population aged >15 yearsMandatory mask wearing in public spaces (e.g., public transport, shops)Estimated daily decline in new diagnoses of 1.32%

The Copenhagen experts recruited 6,000 volunteers in the spring — before masks were mandatory there — and split the them into two groups, with half wearing masks in public and half not. 

Results showed that, after one month, 1.8 per cent of the people wearing masks had been infected with the virus.

By comparison, 2.1 per cent of the people in the unmasked group had tested positive for Covid-19. The difference between the two groups was not found to be statistically significant. 


“I wear my ‘vaccinated’ necklace all the time to say I’m vaccinated. All of you, yes, I know you’re vaccinated, you’re the smart ones, but you know there’s people out there who aren’t listening to God and what God wants. You know who they are,” she said.

“I need you to be my apostles. I need you to go out and talk about it and say, we owe this to each other,” Bishop Hochul told the faithful.