MA gov suspends Constitution; mandates masks on free people
42 million may not have money for food in another 30 days if govt forced lockdown stays in place
CDC is worthless and deserves to be dismantled
FU Witmer
1968 Hongkong CHINA Flu killed 100,000 in the USA. –NO GOVERMENT LOCKDOWN
“US Has 2nd-Lowest Case-Fatality Rate”, – However the numbers are not accurate when ‘everyone’ dies of chinavirus.
Sweden, which has drawn attention for putting only mild restrictions in place during the pandemic compared to most other countries, has reported 2,586 deaths and 21,092 confirmed COVID-19 cases as of early Friday.
DC mayor will attempt to violate the constitution for 3 more months in lockdown ( AUGUST )
“RULES” from government officials treats everyone like they are 6 years old and can’t make up their own mind
Hundreds lose their jobs in Texas oil companies
Government says Government has to justify lockdowns however nobody is making ‘them’ do it. Civil rights are not negotiable or can be written out of existence by -any- emergency declaration. “Temporary” is still not being defined.
Tourism-dependent Florida had the highest number of new jobless claims in the country last week with 432,465, outstripping California
Lockdowns are -still- unconstitutional. In any form
CA town finds out its not about data……..its about control
CA wants their freedom back. But why do they vote democrat?
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Dr. Donald Yealy said on Thursday he believes the coronavirus death rate is much lower than feared, and he sees hospitals returning to normalcy soon.
We need to focus on facts and not fear. They said Florida was going to be just like New York or an “Uber Italy” when it came to hospitalizations and fatalities. This was wrong. It’s time to focus on the facts and follow a safe, smart and step-by-step plan for recovery.
— Ron DeSantis (@GovRonDeSantis) May 1, 2020
As Florida prepares to ease a month-long shutdown, Gov. Ron DeSantis delivered a scathing rebuttal of apocalyptic predictions for his state that were breathlessly hyped by the news media and proven wrong during the coronavirus crisis.
Democrat GOV extends unconstitutional house arrest
LOS ANGELES, California — Hundreds of protesters gathered at the Los Angeles City Hall on Friday to oppose Gov. Gavin Newsom’s coronavirus stay-at-home orders and to demand the economy be re-opened.
New Mexico gov limiting your vehicle to two people in Gallup / Cant walk down a public street in Gallup
NY government worthless. Wasted 10s of millions
Attorney General William Barr said Friday he believes it’s “time to start rolling back” coronavirus-related restrictions across the country.
THREE MORE MONTHS of shut-down tyranny in NYC
Maine business starting to disobey unlawful orders
Whistleblower funeral directors and fraudulent chinavirus ‘deaths’.
““Basically, every death certificate that comes across our desk now has COVID on it,” said a funeral director in Williston Park, N.Y””
Donald J Trumps biggest mistake of his life was wrecking the economy
Media manipulates death toll
“Sudden Spikes” are likely fake news From April 17
AP writer pushes fear to try to keep Texas under economic collapse
(The virus is not going away next week either genius )
“Immune ” Rich Hypocrite authoritarian Mark Cuban wants Texas closed. Says his “kids arent being let out” as if they are dogs. Your job, does not matter.
Democrat San Antonio Mayor extends worthless/unenforceable stay-home-masked order as business opens and people return to normal because they hate Abbott and republicans that preempted their tyranny
San Antonio hitting 27% unemployment does not matter to local tyrants. Keep it closed down.
380,000 workers in the Alamo City will have lost their jobs
Tyranny for the elderly in GA continutes..
Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp announced Thursday that the state’s shelter-in-place order would be lifted for most residents at 11:59 p.m. However, the order will remain in effect for the elderly and “medically fragile” until June 12.
USNS Only treated 182 patients in NYC in massive waste of money and resources
California Gov. Gavin Newsom has backed down from closing all beaches in the State of California, explaining to reporters and to local officials on Thursday that the closure would apply only to Orange County.
The Michigan House of Representatives declined to extend Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s state of emergency another 28 days, and instead voted on Thursday to sue her.
Predictible outcome from corrupt ‘court’.
The constitutional rights of Michigan residents were not infringed by Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s stay-at-home order in response to the coronavirus outbreak, a court ruled Wednesday. State Attorney General Dana Nessel confirmed the outcome of the case in a statement, FOX 2 of Detroit reported.
.@Judgenap discussed our lawsuit earlier today to #ReOpenPA:
— Danny DeVito (@DannyDeVitoPA) April 28, 2020
MI GOV wanted masks and control……… MI wants freedom
Directly above me, men with rifles yelling at us. Some of my colleagues who own bullet proof vests are wearing them. I have never appreciated our Sergeants-at-Arms more than today. #mileg
— Senator Dayna Polehanki (@SenPolehanki) April 30, 2020
Protest moves inside Michigan Capitol. Crowd attempts to get onto Hoise floor. Lots of Michigan State Police and House sergeants at arms blocking door.
— Rod Meloni (@RodMeloni) April 30, 2020

Northam continues economic destruction until may; refuses to stop economic destruction when they already meet conditions to open-now
Obama admin lacky promoting voter fraud due to chinavirus. Demands “health-force” aka forced government medical. ” do it or else ” government goon.
Why are doctors and Fauci ignoring doctors when theres proof hydroxychloroquine can help patients?
Corpses stored at room temp: Can NYC get any more digusting?
Beach nanny state Newsom ‘closes’ public beaches in retaliation against CA residents
NJ Gov backs down, opens parks…
Teachers Union BOSSES want more economic destruction to peddle more government control
Officers, This is not OK. In the USA.
Antibody test most likely indicates massive infection in NYC and massive low rate of fatal cases
The $1000 treatment being pushed on Americans when theres a $30 one still?
Make no mistake about Their language. This will be house-arrest.
Now you know, again, it’s only about POLITICS ( and subtle social manipulation by an imbecile on TV wearing a mask )
More proof “EVERYONE” Does not need masks in public or private places. — if YOU want to wear one, do it. Otherwise S.T.F.U.
I hate these people. Hate. HATE!!!!!!!!!
— billy eichner (@billyeichner) April 28, 2020
Truth comes out about fake hydroxychloroquine FISH TANK eating HOAX ( murder case )
NM towns beginning to ignore state lockdown
“”The 30 days are set to expire Thursday, April 30, and are unlikely to be extended.”””
Billions will be lost in sports industry; Fauci
( A REAL HERO ) Dallas salon owner does not back down from Abbotts unconstitutional ban on haircuts
Glad @GregAbbott_TX has reached out to salon owners like #ShelleyLuther who have kids to feed and a mortgage to pay.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) April 29, 2020
Texas slowly returning the parks to the people; remove ‘mandatory’ face coverings that’s not allowed by the constitution………but camping is still hazardous to your health
As part of continued reopening of Texas by @GovAbbott, #TxStateParks now allowing day use by families with more than 5 people, though no group gatherings. Face coverings strongly encouraged. Camping will resume at later date TBD. Check your park at
— TX Parks & Wildlife (@TPWDnews) April 28, 2020
NYC continues to threaten religion and religions groups of all faiths with arrest for constitutionally protected speech and assembly
Nothing to see here
— John Cardillo (@johncardillo) April 29, 2020
NYC is a disgusting mess
Think government is there to save you?
It is with heavy heart that I have to inform you all that my sister Rana Zoe Maybe has passed away today at 12:25pm due to COVID-19 complication. She fought a long fight but her body was to weak. 😞😪
— mia mungin (@MiaMungin) April 27, 2020
Youtube should have to answer to congress about censorship
NC arresting people exercising their constitutional/civil rights by ‘violating executive orders’ that are not laws
North Carolina is being ruled by a tyrannical governor. Get the F out of our way or stay home. We will gridlock the capital if necessary.
— Elizabeth Wyatt (@Elizabeth28634) April 28, 2020
NC health care workers stand in silent opposition to #ReopenNC protesters outside #ncga
— Rusty Jacobs (@rustyjacobsWUNC) April 28, 2020
Protestors arrested in NC after breaking fence at Governors mansion & trying "to gain entry into the mansion by breaking a lock on the back gate and tried pulling the gate off the hinges." #COVID19NC
— Aylett Colston (@EveryVoiceNC) April 29, 2020