COLUMBUS, Ohio (WKRC) – An Ohio state representative said he will not wear a mask for religious reasons. Rep. Nino Vitale also calls the orders keeping many Ohio businesses closed invalid.
Dr. Steven Shapiro;;What we cannot do, is extended social isolation.
Geniuses in Wyoming belive stopping critical tourism funds from out of state is good fiscal decision to stop virus that never really came. Is this even constitutional ?
In order to help slow the spread of COVID-19 and to ensure adherence to social distancing guidelines, Wyoming State Parks has temporarily closed camping to non-residents.
The Privileges and Immunities Clause (U.S. Constitution, Article IV, Section 2, Clause 1, also known as the Comity Clause) prevents a state from treating citizens of other states in a discriminatory manner. Additionally, a right of interstate travel may be plausibly inferred from the clause.
A Doctor with absolutely no f*cks left to give; grabs a microphone & absolutely DESTROYS Democrats and their nation wide corona virus shut down.
— Philip Anderson (@Kingfreespeech) May 8, 2020
Around 1.4 million people are expected to die from untreated TB infections due to the coronavirus lockdown, according to research published by Imperial College London and Johns Hopkins University.
WH press reporters now look like all the other scared, irrational young medical patients walking around in America who aren’t at risk from the china virus. Mfff! Mrrrrff? MMM! Mfff? MrrrrP!

Stop the SAFE / UNSAFE rhetoric. I has no legitimate meaning in any case. Nobody is ” Safe ” .
Sen. Pat Toomey Calls for Reopening America Faster: ‘Danger’ of Coronavirus to Most Americans Overstated
…they -all- should open their church on May 10. Instead of being afraid of government who can’t legally stop them.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof
….this also means Government can’t executive-order it away, either.
Not unless your DOJ stops the lockdown, Mr President
“Those jobs will all be back and they’ll be back very soon,” he said.
CA Gov Newsom LIES to the nation and blames nail salon for china virus spread
Is COMMUNIST CHINA the enemy, or our own government officials who are shutting down the nation without the consent of the people and in violation of the constitution ?
A record 20.5 million jobs were lost in April as unemployment rate jumps to 14.7%
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s delayed response to the coronavirus pandemic may turn out to be the most consequential failure in the country. Not only does the New York City area skew America’s overall numbers when it comes to coronavirus cases and deaths, but recent genetic studies suggest that New York also served as a hub for the spread of the virus across the United States.
Re-elect this guy:
“It’s time to get back opening up our businesses and letting our people do what our normal business activities are,” he said. “And, you know, you just can’t arrest somebody for going out and exercising in public or not wearing a mask. You know, at the same time they are trying to force me to release real criminals from jail. They want me to make criminals out of law-abiding citizens that are, you know, trying to support a family. It doesn’t make sense anymore.”
The unemployment rate jumped to 14.7 percent in April
DJT commends Abbott handling of his illegal commerce shutdown that literally wrecked the 6th biggest economy in the world. Both men need to admit it was a mistake.
Texas begins its legal fight against executive orders. ( EXECUTIVE ORDERES ARE NOT LAWS ! )
TX .gov Abbott changes his own execitive order after locals take it literally
CA Government confiscation of your assets continues.
Cops in Alabama ( off duty ) believe they are justified in using force because of unconstitutional face-mask orders. Is this where we are in the USA ?
Dallas salon owner Shelley Luther, who was ordered jailed for seven days Tuesday after she violated a local coronavirus-related business closure order, joined “Hannity” for an interview Thursday, hours after her release.
Computer model code used to wreck the world economy and US economy worthless
Gov Whitmer executive orders more economic destruction with lawless stay home orders. Ignore it, Michigan!
..because its not illegal to violate an executive order
33 MILLION and counting unemployed due to illegal lockdown
All 50 state governor’s are violating the Constitution and basic civil rights. First year law school stuff. Napalatano summarizes
Communists are among us: MSNBC calls Americans freedom-obsessed.
A third Trump official disagree’s with FAUCI on chinaflu Origin
lockdowns result in most NYC residents being infected
Rand Paul; stop lockdowns. But he should be telling AG Barr to intervene
NJ going to two months of unconstitutional lockdown
Constitution suspended again in NYC. You notice i say again since second amendment was suspended decades ago..
Abbott / Paxton agree but still wont issue an official order today to stop destroying ALL Texas businesses.
TX AG Paxton to ‘judge’ release Luther immediately
April shutdown cost 20 Million jobs, probably more. And more to come as states continue failed shutdown policies.
Government is literally making people suffer from mental health disorders and should sue the state. No litigation immunity should be passed protecting the state.
FOX- The mental toll of lockdowns appears to be growing as many states enter their seventh week of mandatory stay-at-home orders.

This is government admitting they are lying about who dies ” OF ” chinavirus and who dies ” From ” it.
The owners of a Pennsylvania gym reopened their business despite the governor’s orders, stating that “enough is enough.”
Justice Rebecca Bradley of the Wisconsin Supreme Court questioned Wisconsin’s shutdown order on Tuesday, asking whether it amounted to “tyranny,” and what authority the state had to issue it.
May 5th – Abbot finally stops discriminating against hair salons on May 8
Dallas “Judge” gets his panties in a bunch and jails a hairstylist, while refusing to jail offenders of theft and other -actual- crime. Then Abbott says salons can Open Friday. What a freaking joke Texas has turned into.
It’s an injustice to send #ShelleyLuther to jail and fine her 7k for trying to provide for her family. This is nuts! You can support her at her gofundme page here
— Joe Pags Pagliarulo (@JoeTalkShow) May 5, 2020
I understand there are serious legal bills on top of the actual fine. #FreeShelleyLuther
–EVERY– American should donate to this woman’s cause so she can sue the State, The judge and the officers involved in violating her civil rights if there were any. The owner of this website did. Have you ?
700 People DIE every day in California alone, Fauci. STFU
Lawyers are ITCHING to get these unconstitutional fines for violating executive orders by the state
Cotton: All Evidence Points to Coronavirus Coming from Wuhan Labs. Dr. Anthony Fauci: Coronavirus Likely Wasn’t Created in Wuhan Lab
Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, dismissed theories that the Chinese coronavirus was created in a laboratory in Wuhan, placing himself at odds with statements made by President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
Tuesday during an appearance on Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) argued the COVID-19 virus could be a product of the lab but, at the same time, “naturally occurring.”
Unemployment benefit expansion WRECKING the economy
HERO — AZ Sheriff on Gov’s Lockdown Order: I Won’t ‘Arrest Someone Who Is Trying to Make a Living’
GA GOV KEMP + Others
The shut down is harming more people than the virus. STOP IT
The fight against coronavirus has highlighted an issue that’s been at the heart of our democratic republic since the nation’s founding. It’s the question of how to balance personal freedom against the authority we give our elected officials to regulate the workings of society.
It’s illegal to close public parks. Those tax payers paid for it. Miami is retaliating against the people.
Protesters on Monday flocked to the Massachusetts State House in Boston, calling on Gov. Charlie Baker (R) to reopen the state’s economy.
Constitutional Sacramento protest with Marine Vet speaker against unconstitutional lockdowns and those ” obeying orders “
Social Distancing is complete junk science
The rule of 2020: any fucked up dystopian samizdat image or story from January in China will eventually be reproduced in the United States at a delay of three to eleven months
— Spotted Toad (@toad_spotted) May 4, 2020
After citing people and beating them, NOW NYPD wants to stop complying with the unlawful orders to arrest people?
OR Protesters decend on Salem
OR Gov. Brown keeps extending the lockdown. Now its June 6
HI arresting people for lawful protesting of illegal lockdown May 1.
About 200 participants demonstrated on the mauka pedestrian entryway of the Capitol with signs containing messages that included “Open Hawaii Be Akamai” and “Tyranny is nonessential.”
Navarro told Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom” that the lockdown has been dangerous because it is “indirectly” killing Americans through suicide, depression, alcoholism and drug addiction as many people are losing their jobs.
So, do something about it and direct DOJ BARR to put a stop to it.
Social-Distancing is complete hogwash and Texas knows it
It’s long past-due to ignore unconstitutional state/local lockdowns
Slime bag anti-american POS Pelosi blocking china-virus investigation
CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATION—-A New York police officer has been stripped of his gun and badge and placed on desk duty after shocking video emerged showing him beating up a man over an alleged social distancing violation.
CDC is ‘now’ comparing chinaflu to a seasonal flu after harping on it not being such for months.