Gates Foundation Funded BOTH Imperial College and IHME, Failed Model-Makers
” Distancing ” has nothing to do with the problem NYC experienced and is junk science. The vast majority people were infected and didn’t know it. NYC simply refused to protect at-risk populations early on while the rest of us went to work.
If it did, half the hospitalizations would not have come from people who were staying at home. The failure to specifically protect those who would have more severe reaction to exposure was the problem with NYC and NY Government. Not ” Distancing ” horseshit. Nursing homes and assisted living medical facilities weren’t allowed to TEST people before admission and staff at these facilities were not being sanitary. “6 feet ” is worthless , unprovable and it’ll never be scientifically proven to be anything but an experiment.
School Reopening—The Pandemic Issue That Is Not Getting Its Due – By a DOCTOR
No spike in Texas.
New York Police State + Civil rights violation
Insert caption here:

POTUS:: , ‘Vaccine Or No Vaccine, We’re Back’. — OK Mr. President, then cancel the ” Guidelines “.
Even the DEMOCRATS in Long Island are mad. Stop voting DEMOCRAT
Police state control of your income largely successful against the liberties of Americans who were not required to obey it. Will they, next time?
Unconstitutional shutdown in NY Extened -again- to June 13. —STOP THE GUIDELINES
Santa Ana Police: Robberies Soar 50%
There was never any legal authority to wreck the economy and seize incomes!
Class Action Lawsuits should be filed by every business owner against every state. Even ones that ” Re-opened ” already.
ChinaFlu more deadly in Democrat controlled states
Lockdown Lawsuit: Doctors Hit Gretchen Whitmer With Lawsuit Over Medical ‘Time Bomb’
MT people are afraid of the truth?
No spike in GA
Chinavirus fatal numbers are still vastly over stated
No, theres still no science or study that warrants non-sick wearing these stupid things. NEUROSURGEON agrees.
Beaches are public places.
No bailouts for excessive lockdown hysteria
Trump Needs To Recruit A Medical ‘Red Team’ To Challenge Lockdown-Manic Governors
Commissioners of Pennsylvania’s Columbia County sent a letter to Gov. Tom Wolf (D) on Wednesday, informing him of the county’s decision to begin reopening on Friday despite his threats.
—- GOVERNMENT FORCED ECONOMIC DISASTER—The new report, which covers the week ending May 9, pushes the two-month total of losses since states adopted strict stay-at-home measures to more than 36 million. All of the jobs created during the past decade have been wiped out; unemployment at this scale hasn’t been recorded since the Great Depression.
May 14; CDC SAYS 25% OF CHINAVIRUS DEATHS ARE INFLATED. 84,000 – 25% = —> real death total =63,000 standard flu rate
Will NYPD keep violating people’s rights? –NYPD union lashes out at health commissioner over coronavirus mask plea rejection
Ingraham; Blue state control freaks=Fraud. — END IT NOW
We wrecked our nations economy for 74 deaths per million?

On Wednesday, the Wisconsin Supreme Court struck down a stay-at-home order issued by Department of Health Services Secretary-designate Andrea Palm in order to slow the spread of the coronavirus. While the court did not challenge the Emergency Declaration issued by Gov. Tony Evers (D-Wisc.), it ruled that Palm violated state law by not following proper rulemaking procedures that allow the Republican-dominated legislature some say in the issuing of such orders.
The Wisconsin Supreme Court just NUKED the lockdowns #Wisconsin
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) May 13, 2020
Karl Manke should sue this witch for defamation of character.
GO to hell Dana. Americans will buy you a plane ticket .
Oregon, California, Virginia, and Maine churches and faith leaders have filed lawsuits claiming the governors do not have authority to extend, indefinitely, stay-at-home orders against them. Failure to consider the churches as essential as liquor and box stores, they assert, amounts to discrimination and a violation of their First Amendment rights.
It’s not about CHURCHES. It’s about every business and individual having their freedom taken away without due process and in violation of the constitution. Government is not allowed to randomly, arbitrarily revoke operating licenses and close business. Especially without being able to have a hearing in court ( which are closed ) . E/O’s are not laws!
After over two months, People finally have smartened up about ” distancing ” Hoax.
The number of Americans avoiding small gatherings is dropping as millions of citizens urge federal, state, and local officials to reopen the economy, a Gallup poll released this week revealed.
FINALLY! Potus is pushing back and had enough of the lockdown horsehockey
President Donald Trump at the White House pushed back on Wednesday against warnings from Dr. Anthony Fauci about reopening schools in the fall, after the peak of the coronavirus pandemic.
“I think they should open the schools, absolutely,” Trump said. “It’s had very little effect on young people.”
MD peddles fake science about face-masking being the end all be all effective method for everyone. When, theres Plenty of medical-experts who will 100% disagree or provide more reason to not bother doing it. Masking will NOT prevent Chinavirus infections. It’s benefit is very minimal. Most people dont inhale viruses. They put it in their eye or nose with their fingers!
Their own study admitted to -only- analyzing 34 incidents of the flu during the study! — THIS IS NOT A SCIENTIFIC STUDY —
“”Our RRs for comparing the face mask and hand hygiene group to the control group suggest an overall reduction in the primary incidence of influenza. However, we only analyzed 34 incident cases of influenza during the study and this limited our statistical power. Nonetheless, the RR for the layered intervention group was of even greater magnitude and in the same direction as the cumulative RR for ILI. These trends suggest that face masks and hand hygiene should be encouraged during seasonal influenza outbreaks and especially during the beginning of a pandemic when vaccines may not yet be available.””
-UNCONSTITUTIONAL- Washington, DC, Mayor Muriel Bowser, on Wednesday, extended her stay-at-home order aimed at stemming the spread of coronavirus by three weeks to June 8, citing contact tracing capacity issues, and the absence of a 14-day decrease in the community spread, among other reasons.
(THREAD) Today, I issued Mayor’s Order 2020-066 to extend the District’s public emergency and public health emergency and continue to require individuals to stay home through June 8, 2020.
— Mayor Muriel Bowser #StayHomeDC (@MayorBowser) May 13, 2020
The Wuhan Virus pandemic is not the most significant crisis in our nation’s history. It isn’t even the greatest public health crisis in our history. But with the imposition of a near total national lockdown it is undoubtedly the greatest marginalization of personal liberty in American history.
Michigan Sheriff explains the law and why executive orders are not laws.
Appearing Wednesday on ABC’s Good Morning America, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti (D) said his city won’t fully reopen until there is a cure for the Chinese coronavirus.
An Illinois county is declaring itself “back open for business”
We should be out of lockdown.
— Buck Sexton (@BuckSexton) May 13, 2020
This is nuts.
Just a reminder.
Socialist CA GOV Newsome wants federal taxpayers, vs LOCAL BUSINESS TAXPAYERS to pay their bills while he illegally stops commerce.
NEW: Without federal support, states will be forced to make impossible decisions.
— Gavin Newsom (@GavinNewsom) May 11, 2020
Today—CA, OR, WA, NV, CO, and our legislative leaders have joined together to ask the federal government for $1 trillion to protect our schools, public health, and public safety services.
POTUS must have a press conference and deny/denounce these state Governors intentional policies that are bankrupting these states and publicly deny any federal bailouts while states are unnecessarily shut-down!
Rush Video that wont embed. There is proof democrat turds want economic collapse as a political tool. IGNORE THE LOCKDOWN !
Democrat turds intentionally wrecking economy for political gains. This began immediately after the first-15-days. And why POTUS made big mistake extending it.
WA restaurants ‘required’ to record names of those who dine…..
It’s unconstitutional. Just say it, Scott!
Broad federal government control made it worse
Minnesota ‘extends’ unconstitutional stay home ‘orders’ …again.
San Antonio Mayor / BEXAR county judge get smacked down by Texas AG! UNCONSTITUTIONAL ORDERS NOT ALLOWED!
Paul WRECKS Fauci ( starts sooner than previous Paul Video Posted )
Calls for the impeachment of Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf (D) are increasing after the governor doubled down on Monday, accusing Pennsylvanians who are moving to reopen outside of his orders of engaging in a “cowardly act” and issuing threats to businesses that fail to comply with his directives.
The Sheriff of Shiawassee County has publicly announced his department will not enforce the Governor’s current executive orders! This is the county where Karl the Barber Manke’s shop is located. We are going to win this fight.#StandUpMichigan
— Garrett Soldano (@GarrettSoldano) May 11, 2020
Communism vs Constitution
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer: "These executive orders are not a suggestion. They're not optional. They're not helpful hints."
— The Hill (@thehill) May 11, 2020
CHILDREN are not at risk. Should be in school already
GYM owner’s not on board with shutdowns and are not different than home depot target walmart safeco gas stations………
Churches in CA going to church regardless of unconstitutional order
Staying shut-down is more deadly than chinaflu
Los Angeles County officials are eyeing “with all certainty” to extend its stay-at-home order for three more months as part of an effort to combat the Chinese coronavirus pandemic, reports The Los Angeles Times
NOBODY IS – SAFE – quit using this false qualifier. The time for ” CAUTION ” ended weeks ago when we “flattened the curve “. Now its time to not continue flattening the Effing’ economy!
Dr. Anthony Fauci warned Tuesday that Americans might not be able to safely return to school in the fall, citing not enough progress on developing a vaccine.
WI government ignoring science; refuse to stop economic destruction
6 feet is JUNK-science
WUHAN LAB FUNDING GLOBALIST Fauci is going to promote hysteria and panic in US senate hearing.
A Michigan sheriff announced Monday that his office will not enforce Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s (D) stay-at-home order implemented due to the Chinese coronavirus outbreak, as residents and lawmakers continue to accuse the governor of infringing on civil liberties.
–FIGHT BACK — Michigan Judge Sides with Barber, Rejects Gretchen Whitmer Demand to Close Shop
An increasing number of Pennsylvania district attorneys are stating that their offices will not prosecute businesses for violating Gov. Tom Wolf’s (D) orders restricting them from reopening.
Counties that opt to proceed in reopening outside of the governor’s plan “won’t be eligible for federal stimulus discretionary funds,” Wolf said, noting that those funds will instead go to obedient counties.
“We will find every one of their contacts and we will make sure that they stay quarantined and we’ll check in with them every day,” he added. “In other words, what this program means is that we’re gonna do a more complete job and we’re going to do a more meticulous job of making it less and less possible for others in the county to run into someone with COVID-19 infection.”
CDC director on hot seat over his predictions
From Accross the pond, and coming to the USA sooner than later
Study finds 42% of pandemic layoffs will become permanent job losses by Mica Soellner
Subpeona Dr. Judy Mikovits to testify before Congress on the corruption of Dr. Anthony Fauci.
— Anhisu7 (@anhisu7) May 9, 2020
Fauci is biased and should be exposed
Sunday, during an appearance on Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) highlighted how cell phone data suggests the Chinese government had closed the roads around the Wuhan Institute of Virology in mid-October.
VA gov Northam -hates- America
…’strict’ means its not open. And is unconstitutional.
Mnuchin: ‘Permanent Economic Damage’ if Country Doesn’t Reopen
…………it may already to be too late to stop permanent damage
Obama supporter Musk concerned about civil liberties
FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) — A federal court halted the Kentucky governor’s temporary ban on mass gatherings from applying to in-person religious services, clearing the way for Sunday church services.

Dr Atlas: Fear and panic should not be considered
No reason for schools to be closed. Flu more of a risk for children. Young people are the vehicle for population based immunity. Obsessive data projection models are not useful.
Rowe: economic disaster, by our own doing
……its the not virus folks. It’s government.
Elon Musk says Tesla will ‘immediately’ leave California after coronavirus shutdowns forced the company to close its main car factory
$600’s Million wasted on medical treatment facilities never used
Data released from the California Departments of Health and Social Services on Friday show that nursing home deaths represent almost half of the coronavirus fatalities in the state.
“If the barbershop does not comply with the order, the state will ask a judge in Shiawassee Circuit Court to issue a temporary restraining order,” the department said. “If such an order is issued and the barbershop owner fails to comply, he can be held in contempt of court.
Unconstitutional orders -Illinois Governor: No Religious Services for More than 50 Until Vaccine or Treatment ‘Widely Available’
Masks will protect against inhaling droplets that are expelled when someone coughs or sneezes. But it won’t protect you from the coronavirus if it’s airborne or lying on a surface that you touch. The virus can easily penetrate between the fibers of any mask and no one can do much of anything about surface contact with the virus
Five Reasons the Jailing of Shelley Luther Resonates and Has Changed the Coronavirus Lockdown Conversation -BY BRYAN PRESTON
BRIAN forgot the most important note : LOCKDOWNS ARE 100% UNCONSTITUTIONAL !