The COVID “cure” will prove to be far more deadly than the much-hyped, much-feared coronavirus.
now FL and TX walk back their observation of a bill of rights and re-ups chicom tyranny. Fatal and ICU cases still flat or dropping.
LT GOV in TX tells people to calm the F-down!
Corrupt Bexar county officials charge man with mask related crime they knew was invalid then retracts it.
Tx .gov abbott gives in to chinavirus media panic and forces economy to retract for what we already knew would happen
Holy crap people. Infection rates are not relevant!
Tucker explains why chinavirus lockdowns, still in place, and mob riots are connected and should be stopped immediately.
Another Texas city intentionally preventing tourisim because of chinaflu – Will they then demand a bailout?
When you give too much liberty away…….
Government handout creates massive waste as usual. 1.4 BILLION
At least three North Carolina sheriffs say they will not enforce a mask mandate announced by Democrat Gov. Roy Cooper on Wednesday afternoon.
Chicom Virus Fatality rate fixing to drop like a rock again ( down to .5 if you belive 120K Fatalities )
For every COVID-19 case reported, 10 additional infections likely went unannounced, according to best estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Chicom travel restriction is completely illegal
Nico LaHood discusses the Coronavirus vaccination, mandatory masks beginning again in Bexar County, and the defunding of police.
— NOT RACIST IN 2015 —

Quarentine mandates are unconstitutional.
US Economic Downturn Eases in June as Lockdowns Lift
Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) warned Wednesday that some out-of-state travelers to New York might be pulled over by police if they have license plates from states with high levels of the coronavirus.
Tyrant trying to erase the 4th and 14th amendments
Faci: chinaflu -racist-
Racist mask mandate
Another .GOV mandates unconstitutional face masking
Alice TX area doctors promoting fear and panic; avoid San Antonio businesses.
I am a retired physician. Over my career, I’ve had some contact with epidemiology. I’ll be blunt here: I came away unimpressed with that field. Here’s why:
There is no history of 21st-century America that will not include analysis of the COVID-19 shutdowns. Maybe a few will be truthful about their primary purpose: to separate President Trump from his supporters.
43 percent of U.S. COVID-19 deaths have occurred in nursing homes and assisted living facilities.
43 percent of U.S. COVID-19 deaths have occurred in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Nursing homes are residential facilities for those needing 24/7 on-site medical supervision; assisted living facilities are for those not needing 24/7 medical supervision. The share of deaths occurring in nursing homes and assisted living facilities is highest in New Hampshire, North Dakota, Rhode Island, and Minnesota, using the latest data as of June 19, 2020. (Source: G. Girvan & A. Roy / FREOPP; Graphic: A. Roy / FREOPP; click here to enlarge)
ENEMY-OF-THE-PEOPLE: Communist China, and their virus is encouraging the US to retain lockdown policy, wrecking the economy even more via propaganda, assisted by US media
Coronavirus has significantly weakened, could disappear without vaccine, top doctor reveals
Michigan drops lawsuit against barber who reopened in defiance of Whitmer’s coronavirus lockdown
TX GOV ABBOTT acknowledges mask-mandates are unconstitutional.
“I know that some people feel that wearing a mask is inconvenient or is like an infringement of freedom, but I also know that wearing a mask will help us to keep Texas open,” Abbott said.
State government ignoring the fatal rate crater while panicing about 25year old infections
Many people refuse to wear silly masks will wait it out and use curbside.
Former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson told Breitbart News’s Washington editor Matt Boyle on Saturday the mainstream media has pushed false narratives about the coronavirus pandemic and COVID-19, and in his view, “there is marginal evidence that lockdowns work.”
Americans are largely ignoring democrat chinavirus mask-fear tactics and going back to their normal lives
**UPDATE PRIME FITNESS IN OXFORD IS STILL OPEN AND OPERATIONAL DESPITE HAVING NO WATER OR POWER. Owner Dave Blondin says they have porter potty's and generators on the way and people are still working out!"**
— The GetUp Crew (@GetUpCrew969) June 18, 2020
BREAKING: locks are being changed at Prime Fitness in Oxford. #wcvb
— Todd Kazakiewich (@ToddKazakiewich) June 18, 2020
CA State Seal

Phoenix latest to infringe on civil liberties. Masking will not stop you or anyone else from contracting any viruses.
There is nothing alarming about an increase in cases. It was predicted, necessary and it will pass like any other virus. Get over it. Wear a mask if it makes you feel better. Some will not. Get over that as well.
Face-Masking is -SCARE- not science
CHICOM LOCKDOWN results ; Minnesota’s unemployment rate hit 9.9 percent in May, reaching the highest point its ever been in the state, according to state data. According to state data obtained by KMSP, 302,741 were unemployed in May, which is the most recent data available from the state.
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) said on Wednesday that businesses can’t require their employees to take the coronavirus antibody test because to do so would violate the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Welcome to the new Paranoid normal USA

45.7M Americans have now filed for unemployment since lockdowns began
Death of Arizona Man from Chloroquine Ruled an Accident Maricopa Country medical examiner says Gary Lenius’s death was accidental
Government unlawfully interferes with public utility due to chinaflu lockdown disobedience
…..rioters allowed to run wild
Self-righteous documented liar calls Americans stupid!
CA goes full communist-china on masking
….”because too many people aren’t wearing them”. Don’t comply CA !
Tx gov abbott wont stop cities and counties from executive ordering unconstitutional facemasking
Back to school in Texas in 2020
TX gov abbott sued over medical privacy and other unconstitutional executive orders
…and reject masking mandates ! It’s not just about lockdowns anymore.
Enough of this. Americans should never listen to these people again.
Demand government post the true and accurate chinavirus fatal rate. Not including those who were already dying in nursing homes!
–> 45 million unemployed due to unconstitutional lockdown
Ten percent of counties account for more than 90 percent of all deaths.
Where’s the movement to repeal disaster declarations that nearly all state governor’s used to wreck the economy?
Burn a mask for civil rights. Freedom matters.
real-hero SD Gov who refused panic response to chinaflu saved local/state economy
“If you want freedom, personal responsibility and a government that works for you, rather than dictates to you, South Dakota is the place to get it,”
Healthy people are simply not at risk. Invalidating masking mandates and economic destruction
tx gov Abbott so far refusing to take any action against unlawful mask mandate in San Antonio.
“Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican, said local governments could force businesses to require customers and workers to wear masks but that he wouldn’t issue a statewide order.”

County Judge Wolf disregards the constitutional system of laws and ‘created’ his own
“The action that I’m taking today may be pushing the legal bounds a little bit,” Wolff said. “But our attorneys believe we can defend this order in court.”
The National Federation of Independent Business’s state director, Annie Spillman, objected to making business owners enforce safety rules.
“Orders like Judge Wolff’s puts owners in the difficult position of policing their customers while trying to reopen and rebuild their businesses,” Spillmanan, an advocate for small businesses, said in a written statement. It echoed calls by many Republicans in Congress — and by large corporations — for federal liability protections that would shield businesses from coronavirus-related lawsuits.
San Antonio judge Wolf trying to strongarm business to force masking by threatening business occupancy and licenses by creating unconstitutional laws out of thin air.
Why government must never be allowed to wreck the economy again ! ( Short list and growing )
Stop playing politics with Texas Gov Abbott !
…cases coming from bars , but we dont know for sure. Sowhat!
FL Gov Desantis heroically refusing to cave to Hysteria with repeat of failed Economic destruction
Fauci admits he And govt “”LIED”” to “protect” one segment of population over another with masking, proving govt can’t be trusted with mask ‘science’.
What this really proves is they were right initially that masking is worthless and now only “admit to lying” to attempt to gain control of population.
“Second chinaflu wave ” Is fake news.
Fox News host Laura Ingraham dismissed concerns from Dr. Anthony Fauci that the U.S. is still a year away from returning to normal, claiming he is part of the supposed “medical deep state.”
40 million jobs lost, some permanent

FDA cancels hydroxychloroquine proven to help many chinaflu patients
Further democrat lockdown economic disasters continue to wreck black businesses
UT/OR continue lockdown style economic destruction because of what we knew would happen anyway.
Masking is not the job of government. That is up to the individual free American citizen. Stay home if you are at risk.
“Government spending – and policies such as paying millions of workers more money to stay unemployed than to go back to work, and paying states more money to enable them to stay shut down – is inhibiting the fast recovery we want in jobs and incomes, not stimulating it,” the letter states.
Two Missouri hairstylists saw dozens of customers while symptomatic with COVID-19 but did not pass the disease on to either customers or coworkers. The Springfield-Greene County Health Department announced earlier this week that the incubation period for 147 people potentially exposed to the coronavirus had passed.
More proof the panic is becoming it’s own mental illness. GO BACK TO WORK!!
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told CNBC that a second shutdown of the economy because of the coronavirus isn’t a realistic option. “We can’t shut down the economy again. I think we’ve learned that if you shut down the economy, you’re going to create more damage,” Mnuchin said.
….but won’t admit it was a mistake in the first place. Or they wouldn’t be saying another shut-down/lock-down is possible. ADMIT IT! And’ stop the ‘guidelines’ that are being used to shut-down!
Small NJ town defies State shutdown, all be it you have to “eat while wearing a mask ” which is just as draconian as the shutdown. —Let the micro-management of business commence !
The hysteria has come to this

(Natural News) In the aftermath of a stunning incident in which both The Lancet and The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) were forced to retract a study that used laughably faked data to try to destroy the credibility of hydroxychloroquine (and get clinical trials cancelled around the world), details of a secret conversation have leaked, documenting a phone call between the editors of the journals, during which Big Pharma is described as a “criminal” enterprise that’s pushing junk science while rigging studies with altered data.
15 day bend the curve is now passing 90 days in HI
Hawaii Gov. David Ige extended the state’s mandatory 14-day quarantine for all arriving travelers on Wednesday in a bid to keep coronavirus cases in the islands low.
Ige said the rule is being extended to the end of July as the state works to solidify a screening process that could soon allow travelers to return in some capacity.
A few weeks ago.. NO FUNERALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Last, week, THREE-FUNERALS for Floyd.
On Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Lou Dobbs Tonight,” Vice President Mike Pence said that so far, there has not been “an increase in new cases” of coronavirus in the wake of widespread protests and there was “no significant uptick in new coronavirus cases” as a result of people gathering over Memorial Day weekend.
If you have a leader that will take too much authority in a time of crisis, that’s when we lose our freedom and our liberties,’ said Gov. Kristi Noem.
PIERRE, S.D. – Today, Governor Kristi Noem outlined some of the lessons that South Dakota has learned from our fight against COVID-19. Key quotes from Gov. Noem’s remarks include:
“Perhaps the most significant takeaway so far is that more freedom, not more government, is the answer… Freedom is a better friend of true science than government-centered and government-controlled science. Freedom, not government, is the best friend of innovation. Freedom focuses our politics on persuasion and the intellectual strength of our positions, not on control, coercion or the heavy hand of government. And if someone is interested in the common good in all its iterations and complexities, freedom is the one and only choice.”
“My approach to this virus was to provide South Dakotans with all the information I could and then trust them to exercise their freedom to make the best decision for themselves and their families. We took a unique path – we haven’t locked people up, forced businesses or churches to close, or ordered a statewide shelter in place.”
“The mainstream media attack those who push for freedom and for people to be able to make the best decisions for their families. But politicians who take away people’s freedoms and enforce lockdowns are praised – and shielded from real scrutiny.”
“Some think COVID-19 will accelerate the move of people out of cities. That story is still being written, but one of the few things we know about this virus is that density is one of the key factors contributing to its spread. Because of that, New York and Silicon Valley may look very different in the future.”
“Not all Governors trusted their people, but I did. Different paths mean people have different choices, and South Dakota chose common sense solutions. If you want freedom, personal responsibility, and a government that works for you rather than dictates to you, South Dakota is the place to get it.”
“Our new normal may be very different from the past, but don’t ever forget this one fundamental truth – the windshield is so much bigger than the rearview mirror for a reason. In South Dakota, we always confront adversity and emerge into even greater prosperity. The future – our future – is bright. Hope is in front of us. We will come out stronger than ever before. And to those concerned about what the future might hold for you if you stay where you are right now, come to South Dakota – the air is fresh, the people are free, and the possibilities are endless.”
You can see the full video of Governor Noem’s remarks here and download them here.