Government is lying to you.

Drs. Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx continue to offer up interesting contradictions on COVID-19. Birx has told us that a rise in positive test results for the coronavirus indicates a spike in deaths to come. Fauci, on the other hand, says that the mortality rate is irrelevant.

They’re both wrong, and Arizona is demonstrating as much amid the current outbreak.

Fatal rate still dropping, week 12.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported the 12th straight week of a declining coronavirus death rate in the U.S.

“Based on death certificate data, the percentage of deaths attributed to pneumonia, influenza or COVID-19 (PIC) decreased from 8.1% during week 27 to 6.4% during week 28, representing the twelfth week of a declining percentage of deaths due to PIC,” the CDC website states.


We do not recommend requiring the general public who do not have symptoms of COVID-19-like illness to routinely wear cloth or surgical masks because:

There is no scientific evidence they are effective in reducing the risk of SARS-COV-2 transmission. [emphasis added]

Silly mask rituals are, just that. Silly, feel-good mental masturbation for progressives who cant think critically.


What a horrible embarrassment. President Trump should fire him for that statement alone, never mind all the other lies.

“We’ve got to do the things that are very clear that we need to do to turn this around,” he told PBS News Hour. “Remember, we can do it. We know that when you do it properly, you bring down those cases. We’ve done it. We’ve done it in New York.”

“New York got hit worse than any place in the world. And they did it correctly by doing the things that you’re talking about,” he said during the interview.

KAREN in WA State assaulted after being mask/distancing ‘police’ instead of minding her own business.

Washington state man assaulted a woman after they argued about wearing masks and social distancing to prevent the spread of coronavirus, officials said.

The victim was running on a track between Clark College and Hudson’s Bay High School in Vancouver, Wash., when she got into a dispute with a man who wasn’t following social distancing protocols. During the argument, he was seen smiling and making obscene gestures, according to Oregon Live.

Fake science promoter steps on his own words again from Feb

Dr. Anthony Fauci said Friday state and local government leaders should be “as forceful as possible” in urging the wearing of face masks to prevent the spread of the deadly coronavirus, which the top infectious disease expert says is still in the first wave in the United States and has hit Americans “very severely.”

Chinavirus mortality dropping like the proverbial boulder off a cliff

A systematic review and meta-analysis of published studies from three continents shows overall mortality of COVID-19 patients in intensive care units (ICUs) has fallen from almost 60 per cent at the end of March to 42 per cent at the end of May — a relative decrease of one third since the start of the pandemic.

TEXAS Gives in to virus panic porn and allows 8 weeks of ‘delay’ in education. Yet no tax rebates to homeowners.

This is a disaster for the Texas economy. Yet no tax rebates to homeowners by Texas education system, Abbott, or the comptrollers office.

Masking is junk science, KAREN.

Masks and respirators do not work. There have been extensive randomized controlled trial (RCT) studies, and meta-analysis reviews of RCT studies, which all show that masks and respirators do not work to prevent respiratory influenza-like illnesses, or respiratory illnesses believed to be transmitted by droplets and aerosol particles.

“Mis-reporting” is happening in many states. It’s actually intentional fraud by political activists embedded in medical jobs .

Committee to Unleash Prosperity President Phil Kerpen suggested on “The Ingraham Angle” Wednesday night that the increase in reported coronavirus cases is largely due to states counting “repeat tests” as though they are from separate individuals.

Masking is NOT effective, NOT science, NOT justified.

The major limitation of our study was the large proportion of participants with undetectable viral shedding in exhaled breath for each of the viruses studied. We could have increased the sampling duration beyond 30 min to increase the viral shedding being captured, at the cost of acceptability in some participants. An alternative approach would be to invite participants to perform forced coughs during exhaled breath collection12

Government is required to report to the PEOPLE and prove WHY they want shutdowns! Why government is literally arresting people for mask mandates!

Conclusions This study is the first RCT of cloth masks, and the results caution against the use of cloth masks. This is an important finding to inform occupational health and safety. Moisture retention, reuse of cloth masks and poor filtration may result in increased risk of infection. Further research is needed to inform the widespread use of cloth masks globally. However, as a precautionary measure, cloth masks should not be recommended for HCWs, particularly in high-risk situations, and guidelines need to be updated.


Texas is being lied to by media/democrats and local elected officials and medical personnel.

In what was considered the worst season in years, the flu and related complications killed nearly 10,000 Texans in 2017-2018, according to state health officials.

More than 800 of those deaths occurred in Bexar County alone, according to surveillance data gathered by San Antonio’s Metropolitan Health District. That data showed 802 adults and two children have died in Bexar County from the flu or related complications since Oct. 1, Metro Health spokeswoman Carol Schliesinger said Wednesday. Those numbers are provisional and subject to change, she said.


Masking hysteria has passed the point of not being a mental illness

Colorado Governor Jared Polis decided to up the hysteria by calling state residents who don’t wear masks, “selfish bastards.”

On Sunday, Polis posted on his campaign Facebook account to remind Colorado residents that scientific studies supported the use of face coverings and face masks in public places to help reduce the spread of the virus, adding: “So if you’re a selfish bastard and wearing a mask to protect others isn’t enough of reason to do so, then maybe protecting yourself is?”

FL Labs trying to cook the numbers? Those labs blame the state system.

Dr. Charles Lockwood, dean of the University of South Florda’s College of Medicine, told “The Ingraham Angle” Tuesday that “it’s pretty clear” that the state’s current increase in confirmed coronavirus cases doesn’t come close to the catastrophic effect of the virus on New York and New Jersey.

Fatal cases still not increasing.

Thousands of Doctors and Scientists Have Come Out Against Fauci’s Lockdowns


chinavirus becoming less dangerous every week as fatal rate drops like a rock

In updated guidance, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said its “best estimate” is that 40 percent of people infected with COVID-19 are asymptomatic.

In the update, posted July 10, the CDC said the basic reproduction number or the number of people one person “is likely to infect” is 2.5, and the infectiousness level of asymptomatic people is 75 percent, relative to symptomatic patients.

The government agency added a new part to its report, an “Infection Fatality Ratio,” which “takes into account both symptomatic and asymptomatic cases and may therefore be a more directly measurable parameter for disease severity for COVID-19.” The new metric states that 0.65 percent of those with COVID-19 are estimated to die.


The fact the United States federal government never instituted a nationwide lockdown to restrain the spread of COVID-19 is the main reason for the disease’s alarming post-Memorial Day resurgence. This surge has seen more than one million cases added in a month’s time.