Bars and restaurants ARE NOT SPREADING THE VIRUS. Government officials caught lying to the public. This is not an isolated case. MAYORS and governors ACCROSS THE NATION ARE LYING.

As of June 30, bars and restaurants had led to just 22 virus cases compared to more than 1,000 in nursing homes in Nashville, private data within the mayor’s office showed, according to Carlson.

A Nashville Health Department official reviewed the numbers and wrote an email to the mayor’s officer last summer that said, “This isn’t going to be publicly released, right? Just info for Mayor’s Office?” Carlson explained. “Correct, not for public consumption,” a senior adviser in the mayor’s office replied.

CA Government quickly losing control with fake virus panic-hoax; should have happened sooner.

Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco is urging Catholics in his archdiocese to “Free the Mass” and publicly demonstrate against the coronavirus restrictions on worship that are inconsistent with rules applied to other non-religious activities in the city and county.

Stillbirth rate rises dramatically during pandemic

A new batch of gynecologic studies has revealed that babies are dying in the womb at an increasing rate since the COVID-19 outbreak in March. Researchers believe that the deterrence or lack of clinical access among pregnant mothers due to pandemic restrictions may have given rise to prenatal complications, sometimes leading to stillbirth.

Happy Constitution day

Americans have endured 7 months of their sacred personal liberty, movement, speech and right to earn an income supposedly protected by the bill of rights, completely gutted in the name of chinavirus panic hoax. Spawned by state governors of almost all 50 states. They should be on trial for treason.


We are now 26 weeks into CDC’s 3 or 4 or 8 weeks to stop the spread campaign. If mask-wearing had any impact at all on the spread of the virus, we would have seen it. The idea that extending mask-wearing by any period of time will have any positive impact on the spread of the disease is just numbskullery.

CDC Director flat-out-lies to The world; wants fake-science masking until next WINTER 2021.

( 99% non lethal. Only 9500 Fatal cases )

“These facemasks are the most important, powerful public health tool we have,” Redfield said. “I might even go so far as to say that this facemask is more guaranteed to protect me against COVID than when I take a COVID vaccine.”

“By the time you mobilize the distribution of the vaccine and get a majority or more of the population vaccinated and protected, that’s likely not going to happen until the end of 2021,” Fauci said in an interview with MSNBC. “If you’re talking about getting back to a degree of normality prior to COVID, it’s going to be well into 2021, towards the end of 2021.”

PA Wants to make it an ACTUAL crime to go maskless

A Pennsylvania state senator introduced legislation that would enable authorities to give misdemeanors to people who do not wear masks in public during the COVID-19 pandemic. State Sen. Art Haywood (D) made the announcement a few months ago, and the proposal was formally introduced in the Senate Tuesday as SB-1287. […]

Under the bill, these penalties would go into effect in two months — starting in early November.

Distancing is not useful America. Not science.

Overall, our systematic reviews suggested that social distancing measures could be effective interventions to reduce transmission and mitigate the impact of an influenza pandemic. However, the evidence base for these measures was derived largely from observational studies and simulation studies; thus, the overall quality of evidence is relatively low.

Masking is Not useful America

In this review, we focused on 3 personal protective measures and 1 environmental measure. Other
potential environmental measures include humidification in dry environments (48), increasing ventilation (49), and use of upper-room UV light (50), but
there is limited evidence to support these measures.
Further investigations on the effectiveness of respiratory etiquette and surface cleaning through conducting RCTs would be helpful to provide evidence
with higher quality; evaluation of the effectiveness of
these measures targeting specific population groups,
such as immunocompromised persons, would also be
beneficial (Table 2). Future cost-effectiveness evaluations could provide more support for the potential
use of these measures. Further research on transmission modes and alternative interventions to reduce
influenza transmission would be valuable in improving pandemic preparedness. Finally, although our review focused on nonpharmaceutical measures to be
taken during influenza pandemics, the findings could
also apply to severe seasonal influenza epidemics.
Evidence from RCTs of hand hygiene or face masks
did not support a substantial effect on transmission of
laboratory-confirmed influenza, and limited evidence
was available on other environmental measures.

After 8 months, San Antonio area county finally makes it to 1000 “fatal” cases they claim. The county wrecked the local economy for 1000 claimed fatals. Was that with, or From Chinavirus?

Bexar County’s verified death toll from the novel coronavirus broke 1,000 Sunday 9-13-20

— flu and flu-related pneumonia killed nearly 10,000 Texans in 2017-2018, according to state health officials. All told, Texas’ flu-related death rate this season was 32.25 per every 100,000 people.

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report shows nearly 143,000 people, including 172 children, died from the flu and pneumonia in 2017-2018 through mid-May. The Texas numbers go through the end of May, the traditional end of the flu season.

A total of 1,088 deaths occurred in the San Antonio region, an area encompassing 28 counties, between Oct. 1 and June 20, the Texas Department of State Health Services reported. That’s a flu-related death rate of 35.86 per 100,000 people.

More than 800 of those deaths occurred in Bexar County alone, according to surveillance data gathered by San Antonio’s Metropolitan Health District.

..and no shutdown 2017-2018

Doctor DOOM wants you muzzled and locked down for another year because of 9500 Fatal cases

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, believes Americans will be able to sit in theaters again once a coronavirus vaccine has existed “for almost a year.”

He added that if the U.S. gets a “knock-out vaccine that’s 85 [to] 90% effective,” and “just about everybody gets vaccinated,” society will have “a degree of immunity” that allows the general public to “walk into a theater without masks and feel like it’s comfortable” that they will not be at risk of catching COVID-19.

CDC: FACE MASKS DONT STOP SMOKE PARTICLES ( Psst, chinavirus is smaller )







Cloth masks that are used to slow the spread of COVID-19 offer little protection against wildfire smoke. They do not catch small particles found in wildfire smoke that can harm your health. Limit your time outside when it’s smoky. Learn how you can protect yourself from wildfire smoke:


New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Thursday that subway riders will face a $50 fine if they choose not to wear a mask.

The initiative, which begins Monday, allows NYPD cops and Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) police the authority to give subway, bus, Long Island Rail Road, and Metro-North riders summonses if they do not wear a mask during their commute.


Jay Bhattacharya, the director of Stanford’s Program on Medical Outcomes as well as the director of the school’s Center on the Demography and Economics of Health and Aging, said in an interview this week on the John Solomon Reports podcast that he found it “shocking” that, as countless countries earlier this year moved to shut down ahead of COVID-19, so many had forgotten to “think about both the cost and benefits” of such policies.

MI County Tells Whitmer to stick it !

A Michigan county has passed a resolution urging residents to ignore Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s (D) copious coronavirus executive orders and “live again.”

The Alcona County Board of Commissioners unanimously passed a resolution in August citing the Declaration of Independence and likening its actions to the Boston Tea Party.

Unconstitutional / Unequal masking mandates in MI continue

On Wednesday, Democrat Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer issued an executive order requiring all organized-sport athletes competing in sports like football and soccer to wear coronavirus masks while playing. But, professional athletes are exempt from having to wear masks during games, the governor says, clearing the way players on teams like the NFL’s Detroit Lions to compete without the encumbrance.

News media promotes denial that 9,000 people died from chinavirus. As “fact checked”.

The CDC said only 6% died from a virus which is 100% scientifically proven fact regardless of what CNN says.

The other 94% died with China virus which is also 100% factual and irrefutable.

The media is the enemy of freedom and liberty and the constitution. Fauci actively denying this provable science-based statement because he’s a globalist who is fixing to get rich off of the vaccine along with all his Democrat buddies.

NO-LOCKDOWN Sweden mortality is higher, but its not THAT much higher, plus they retained their economy. has 0.05813% fatal rate. 5800 fatals out of 10MILLION.

Data from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control show Sweden has a fortnightly infection rate of 37 cases per 100,000 people. This is much lower than France, with 60 cases per 100,000 and Spain at 152.7 cases per 100,000.

MI State Appeals court “Rules” Gov Whitmer can, without any end date declare an emergency and create new laws in violation of the State/Federal Constitution forever. No-lockdown end.

“A declared statewide emergency only ends upon the governor’s declaration that the emergency no longer exists. That has yet to occur in the instant case,” the ruling said


Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden revealed Friday that he would re-lock down the United States if scientists recommended the extreme measure to stop the spread of the Chinese coronavirus.

Virus Prophet says NEXT-WEEK it will drop!

“Hopefully this week and next week you’re going to start seeing the death rate really start to drop,” CDC Director Robert Redfield said in a streamed interview with the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Redfield attributed the projected drop to people following mitigation steps to stop the spread of novel coronavirus, including adhering to social distancing measures, wearing face masks, shutting down bars, limiting dining and controlling crowd gatherings.

.…..Except Sweden and the Netherlands proves this is completely false.



“Please be advised that we are no longer allowing (any) protesters across the street from mayors (sic) residence … please make sure every officer in the house knows that if anyone shows up to protest (they) are to be immediately told that it is against the city code and state law to protest on a residential neighborhood,” Roman wrote. “They need to be told to leave immediately.”

After the first warning, Roman said, police should immediately secure the block as well as nearby St. Louis Avenue and Kimball “so that no other protesters come and join.” Protesters could stay by the church nearby, Roman said.


The office of Utah Gov. Gary Herbert (R) confirmed late Wednesday students and employees of the state’s K-12 schools who refuse to wear masks in the buildings may be faced with a misdemeanor charge.

If a criminal prosecution is sought, though, a school employee or a student — including those in kindergarten — could face a class B misdemeanor. That is the standard for any violation of a public health order, Lehnardt added. And it can be punished with a sentence of up to six months in jail and a fine of up to $1,000. That is the same level of charge, for example, as a first offense for driving drunk.


Seasonal Flu is worse. *PANDEMIC STATUS* – NO SHUTDOWN

During the 2017-2018 season, the percentage of deaths attributed to pneumonia and influenza was at or above the epidemic threshold for 16 consecutive weeks. During the past five seasons, the average number of weeks this indicator was above threshold was 11 (range of 7 to 15 weeks). Nationally, mortality attributed to pneumonia and influenza exceeded 10.0% for four consecutive weeks, peaking at 10.8% during the week ending January 20, 2018.

CDC estimates that the burden of illness during the 2017–2018 season was high with an estimated 45 million people getting sick with influenza, 21 million people going to a health care provider, 810,000 hospitalizations, and 61,000 deaths from influenza (Table 1). The number of cases of influenza-associated illness that occurred during 2017-2018 was the highest since the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, when an estimated 60 million people were sick with influenza (7).


40% of the (29Million) population has had chinavirus at the minimum.

This is 11,600,000 People In Texas alone, with chinavirus

Fatal rate as of August 20, 2020

0.09 %


PERU: More worldwide proof of lockdowns being more deadly than the virus itself. STOP IT AMERICA! SWEDEN WAS RIGHT !