OSHA wants never-ending masking

( Theres NO EVIDENCE masking or distancing prevents transmission of any viruses right now)

On Friday, Jan. 29, the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA), under the Department of Labor, issued guidance that told workers, even if they are vaccinated, they should maintain social distancing and wear masks while working.

“Not distinguishing between workers who are vaccinated and those who are not: Workers who are vaccinated must continue to follow protective measures, such as wearing a face covering and remaining physically distant, because at this time, there is not evidence that COVID-19 vaccines prevent transmission of the virus from person-to-person.

(Getty Images)



Former New York City mayor and business Michael Bloomberg said Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Live” that President Joe Biden needs to “stand up” to the teachers’ unions and get children back in school.

Bloomberg said, “Well, I think what we’re doing to poor kids is a disgrace. These poor kids are not in school. They will never recover from this. They had a bad education experience anyways. We have not had good schools for poor kids. This now is so much worse. The president has to stand up to the unions.”


Like clockwork, another Democrat governor who placed severe restrictions on their state has begun easing lockdowns now that President Joe Biden was inaugurated.

The Chicago Sun-Times reported Saturday that Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D-IL) has lifted some coronavirus restrictions in Chicago, allowing restaurants and bars that serve food to reopen for indoor services at 25% capacity.


In a press release issued Tuesday by the U.S. Department of the Interior, face masks are required to be worn in all National Park Service buildings and facilities. Masks are also required on park service-managed lands when physical distancing cannot be maintained, including narrow or busy trails, overlooks and historic homes.

All the “metrics” are worse now than when eating-inside a building was DEADLY but BIDEN is in, so stop the NY-panic. ITS SAFE!

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo speaks to members of New York state's Electoral College before voting for President and Vice President in the Assembly Chamber at the state Capitol in Albany, New York on December 14, 2020. - Joe Biden's march to the White House -- overshadowed by President Donald Trump's frantic attempts to overturn the US election -- is to be formalized when the Electoral College meets to confirm the Democrat's win. (Photo by Hans Pennink/AFP via Getty Images)
Hans Pennink/AFP via Getty Images

Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Friday that indoor dining can resume in New York City on Valentine’s Day, despite nearly every coronavirus metric being worse than it was when he banned indoor dining in the first place.




According to a Wednesday report from CNBC, newly appointed CDC Director Rochelle Walensky says that teachers do not need to be vaccinated against COVID-19 before schools can reopen.

On Wednesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Rachel Maddow Show,” CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said that she and the Biden administration believe “schools should be the last thing to close and the first thing to open.” Walensky stated, “The Biden administration,

Executive ordered a new Federal crime?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) latest order, requiring individuals to wear masks when using public transportation or residing in transportation hubs, will be “further enforced by other federal authorities,” the agency announced in its order, which went into effect this week.

Masking never worked before, either

“So, they have these spacesuits, they’re called ‘PAPRs,’ they’re incredibly effective, they filter viruses down to .01. Basically we have materials like N-99, N-100, but N-95… only five percent of airborne particles can get through, but all viruses can get through period


Stop complying with shutdown lockdown masking distancing America!!

“If you work in a restaurant, we have your back. If you’re a hairstylist, we protect your right to earn a living,” he said. “And if you are a parent, we ensure your kids have the right to attend school in person. Lockdowns do not work. School closures have been disastrous yet even today we see across our country businesses shuttered, lives ruined, and schools closed.”



“There are many people who feel, you know if you really wanna have an extra little bit of protection ‘maybe I should put two masks on.’ There’s nothing wrong with that, but there’s no data that indicates that that is going to make a difference. and that’s the reason why the CDC has not changed their recommendations.”

Ohhh! No more virtusignal from the WHITEHOUSE

President Joe Biden on Thursday abandoned his precedent of wearing a mask in the Oval Office as he signed executive actions on health care.

“Since we are socially distanced, I think I can take my mask off and make this very brief announcement,” Biden said after reporters entered the Oval Office.

US President Joe Biden speaks before signing executive orders on health care, in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, DC, on January 28, 2021. - The orders include reopening enrollment in the federal Affordable Care Act. (Photo by MANDEL NGAN / AFP) (Photo by MANDEL NGAN/AFP via …


The top five states with the highest unemployment rate DEC-2020 included:

  • Hawaii — 9.3 percent
  • Nevada — 9.2 percent
  • California — 9.0 percent
  • Colorado — 8.4 percent
  • New Mexico, New York — 8.2 percent

The states with the lowest unemployment rate were:

  • Nebraska, South Dakota — 3.0 percent
  • Iowa, Vermont — 3.1 percent
  • Utah — 3.6 percent
  • Alabama — 3.9 percent


New York Attorney General Letitia James released a report Thursday which found Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s administration had “undercounted” the number of coronavirus-related deaths in nursing homes by as much as 50 percent.

As of Tuesday, the state was reporting 8,711 deaths in nursing homes statewide.

Four masks now!

“If you put three or four masks on, it’s going to filter better because it’s more layers of cloth,” said Dr. Scott Segal, chair of anesthesiology at Wake Forest Baptist Health in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. “But you’ll be taking it off because it’s uncomfortable.”

Folks tire of face diapers

Wisconsin’s state Senate voted 18-3 Tuesday to repeal Democrat Governor Tony Evers’ statewide coronavirus mask mandate. The mandate was issued in August 2020 and is not due to expire until March 2021.

Asshat NY gov walks back his chicom virus rules now that biden is in Whitehouse = predicted

Nearly all of New York’s Covid-19 cluster zones and the extra restrictions that go with them have been lifted. That includes the yellow and orange zones in Onondaga County and a yellow zone in Oneida County. It also applies to zones in the Buffalo and Rochester areas and other parts of Upstate New York. Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced the move today during a press conference in Albany. The state launched the cluster zone strategy in the fall in an effort to control the coronavirus in areas seeing spikes.

9th Circus court says church can be banned

The Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco ruled that California Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom’s prohibiting churches and other houses of worship from holding indoor services did not discriminate against people of faith for practicing their beliefs and said preventing the spread of the coronavirus took precedent.

NY GOV threatened to shut down commerce in NYC due to infection-rates.

Does it not matter anymore? Biden is President….

The rates of people testing positive for the coronavirus in some areas of New York City have reached ten percent or more, according to data provided by the city Friday.

The rates are far below the positivity rates from last spring, but much higher than October 21 when Democrat Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York announced he would lockdown any neighborhood with a positivity rate higher than four percent.

Biden is in= No more emergency. Suddenly nobody is gonna-DIE if they eat indoors!

Indoor dining will return on a limited basis in Chicago and suburban Cook County for the first time since last fall.

Despite the latest move to allow indoor dining, there are still some restrictions that restaurants and bars must follow, according to WGN:

  • Restaurants and bars that serve food can operate at 25 percent capacity.
  • Tables must be six feet apart.
  • Four people per table indoors and six people per table outside.
  • Bars and restaurants must close by 11:00 p.m.
  • Indoor dining is limited to two hours.
  • Masks must be worn except while eating or drinking.


The state of New York lost 1 million jobs in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, including 578,000 in New York City alone, according to a new state Labor Department report. 

The job losses, which caused 10 percent of the state workforce to vanish, came after lockdowns, tourism drops, and tanking business activity, reports The New York Post. In New York City, the decline meant that 12 percent of jobs disappeared, marking the highest job loss in the state. 

In the United States overall, 6% of jobs dropped, marking half the rate of New York City, which was the initial coronavirus epicenter last spring. 

The economy has also stalled during the second COVID-19 surge, with New York State losing 37,200 jobs in December, compared to November of last year. 

WHO admits PCR testing is suspect, and not all that reliable.

Users of RT-PCR reagents should read the IFU carefully to determine if manual adjustment of the PCR positivity threshold is necessary to account for any background noise which may lead to a specimen with a high cycle threshold (Ct) value result being interpreted as a positive result.


Up until COVID hit in 2020, neither WHO nor the CDC had ever considered a single positive PCR test sufficient for diagnosing viral infection.



This past week, only 143 firefighters visited one of the department’s vaccination centers, according to data released by the city Friday night. So far, 1,944 of the agency’s just under 3,400 members have been inoculated, leaving 4 in 10 vulnerable to the highly infectious coronavirus.

The reluctance of L.A. firefighters adds to the list of healthcare workers in the state who are declining to take the vaccine, a trend that health experts say could have serious public health implications.


Thousands of restaurants have opened in Italy in defiance of the country’s strict Chinese coronavirus lockdown regulations. The mass civil disobedience campaign —  launched under the hashtag #IoApro (#IOpen) — has seen as many as 50,000 restaurants opening despite evening curfew restrictions.

CA made bad decisions. FL made better ones.

As the one-year anniversary of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States approaches, two of the country’s three most populous states — California and Florida — are seeing two very different epidemiological curves. Hard-lockdown California is — perhaps counterintuitively — recording significantly higher new case numbers and hospitalizations compared to the more open, less restricted state of Florida.

Florida as of this week has recorded a little over 1.5 million positive test results of COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic, while California has registered nearly 3 million. Per CDC figures, the two states are roughly equal in their population-adjusted case numbers per 100,000 residents, with California at around 7,300 and Florida at a little over 7,000. 


Lockdown and shutdown of schools are 100% unwarranted and teachers know it.

A study of almost a dozen North Carolina school districts found an “extremely limited” rate of coronavirus transmission and no transmission from children to adults.

The study, conducted over a nine-week period, tracked 100,000 people across 11 school districts and found that only 32 coronavirus cases were acquired at school, and none of those instances involved child-to-adult transmission, according to ABC 11 News Raleigh-Durham.

Last year, a German study concluded that children do not play a major role in spreading the coronavirus in schools and may even serve as a “brake” on the disease.

A study in Scotland published in September came to a similar conclusion and suggested that individuals who spent significant amounts of time around children were less likely to contract the coronavirus.


US hospital officials are still denying science, yet are controlling the basic fabrics of the American economy and overall causing more death and hospital cases by refusing to use therapeutics. ” wear a mask ” is their solution when drugs are available. ( aka politics )


Early trial studies have shown the antibody drugs decrease the viral load in patients, shortens symptoms and, most importantly, keeps people out of the hospital, Woodcock said.

However, some medical experts are concerned that there’s not enough evidence the drugs work. The Infectious Diseases Society of America has recommended against routine use of Eli Lilly’s treatment, citing a lack of data. And the National Institutes of Health, citing “insufficient data,” said the drug “should not be considered the standard of care.”

The Food and Drug Administration in November issued emergency authorizations for antibody drugs from Eli Lilly and Regeneron. The latter’s drug was given to President Donald Trump, who said it made him feel better “immediately” when he was hospitalized with the coronavirus in October.

US Govt. health department pushing panic, fear and unfounded theories AGAIN about overwhelmed hospitals again which have already been proven false due to ‘ new strains’.

— if distancing / masking worked, it would have stopped it the first time.

“Currently, there is no known difference in clinical outcomes associated with the described SARS-CoV-2 variants; however, a higher rate of transmission will lead to more cases, increasing the number of persons overall who need clinical care … and resulting in more deaths,” the CDC said.

Stepping up social distancing efforts would buy the U.S. the necessary time to boost lagging vaccination rates, the best possible chance at preventing steep transmission increases, the agency said. Scientists maintain that vaccines currently in distribution across the U.S. will offer people the same protection against this new strain as they do the current dominant strain. Still, the federal government will have to ramp up production and boost the very limited supply of available doses.


Mayor Lori Lightfoot says Chicago restaurants and bars need to be allowed to reopen “as quickly as possible” to cut down on instances of private parties where people don’t take proper precautions against COVID-19. https://t.co/EC4Df2tFs7— CBS Chicago (@cbschicago) January 14, 2021


A group of restaurants won a lawsuit Wednesday challenging New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s coronavirus restrictions, meaning they will be allowed to open for business.

The restaurants argued that the governor’s restrictions prohibiting them from offering indoor dining were arbitrary and not based on evidence related to the coronavirus. Judge Henry J. Nowak agreed, writing in his decision that the state Department of Health (DOH) used unreliable contract tracing data to determine which areas were put under various restrictions


A new peer-reviewed study from the American Academy of Pediatrics found that in-school transmission of COVID-19 is “extremely rare.”

In a collaborative study between Duke University and the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, researchers discovered that among 11 school districts with nearly 100,000 staff and students, there were no instances of children passing the coronavirus to adults during in-person instruction. Researchers found just 32 cases of either kid-to-kid or adult-to-adult coronavirus transmission over nine weeks.

Nobody wears TWO-MASKS, thats stupid right?


Democratic Presidential Candidate Joe Biden wears two masks as he arrives in Fort Lauderdale, Florida on October 13, 2020. - Joe Biden headed for Florida on Tuesday to court elderly Americans who helped elect Donald Trump four years ago but appear to be swinging to the Democratic candidate for the White House this time around amid the coronavirus pandemic. Biden, at 77 the oldest Democratic nominee ever, is to "deliver his vision for older Americans" at an event in the city of Pembroke Pines, north of Miami, his campaign said. (Photo by JIM WATSON / AFP) (Photo by

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says to stem the spread of COVID-19, all Americans should wear a mask.

The New York Times says if one mask works, maybe two will be twice as nice.

“Football coaches do it. President-elects do it. Even science-savvy senators do it.

“Dr. Marr recommended wearing face-hugging cloth masks over surgical masks, which tend to be made with more filter-friendly materials but fit more loosely. An alternative is to wear a cloth mask with a pocket that can be stuffed with filter material, like the kind found in vacuum bags. But wearing more than two masks, or layering up on masks that are already very good at filtering, will quickly bring diminishing returns and make it much harder to breathe normally,” the paper writes.


The United States Supreme Court has ordered the governor of Nevada to respond to a lawsuit from a church alleging that the state’s restrictions on in-person worship services violate their constitutional rights.

According to the court’s order, one of many handed down on Monday, “The respondents are directed to file a response to the petition on or before noon, Tuesday, January 19, 2021. Petitioner may file a reply brief on or before noon, Thursday January 21, 2021.”

CA goes full chicom communist

On Wednesday, the California Department of Public Health announced new “guidance” for people in California who have the nerve to want to wander around their free country. CDPH wants Californians to stay within 120 miles of their residences except for “essential” travel.

Birx promoted hoax!

Officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention refuted reports of a new strain of coronavirus in the U.S. based on what they said was speculation from White House coronavirus task force member Dr. Deborah Birx.


Reports of a highly contagious new variant in the United States, published on Friday by multiple news outlets, are based on speculative statements made by Dr. Deborah Birx and are inaccurate, according to several government officials.

The erroneous report originated at a recent meeting where Dr. Birx, a member of the White House coronavirus task force, presented graphs of the escalating cases in the country. She suggested to other members of the task force that a new, more transmissible variant originating in the U.S. might explain the surge, as another variant did in Britain.

Her hypothesis made it into a weekly report sent to state governors. “This fall/winter surge has been at nearly twice the rate of rise of cases as the spring and summer surges. This acceleration suggests there may be a USA variant that has evolved here, in addition to the UK variant that is already spreading in our communities and may be 50% more transmissible,” the report read. “Aggressive mitigation must be used to match a more aggressive virus.”

Dismayed, officials at the C.D.C. tried to have the speculative statements removed, but were unsuccessful, according to three people familiar with the events.

C.D.C. officials did not agree with her assessment and asked to remove it but were told no, according to one frustrated C.D.C. official, speaking on condition of anonymity for fear of retaliation.

Dr. Birx could not immediately be reached for comment.



“You are limited ultimately to your hospital capacity,” he said, noting that no region, currently, has less than 30 percent capacity. When any region gets within “striking distance” of 15 percent, it is “going to be a red zone, closed down for that region,” the New York governor said.



Assembly Bill A416, introduced by Democrat New York State Assemblyman N. Nick Perry would give Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) the authority to remove or detain someone deemed a threat to the public health amid concerns over the coronavirus pandemic – even if they are symptom-free – the Christian Broadcast Network (CBN) reports:

Assembly Bill A416 states that a questionable individual or group of people ‘shall be detained in a medical facility or other appropriate facility or premises designated by the governor.’


What are the real numbers?

The United States has surpassed 20 million cases of the coronavirus.

The country eclipsed the grim milestone on Jan. 1, according to the Johns Hopkins University’s coronavirus tracker

Its widely known 8-10 times that are the actual number of ‘cases’. Cases dont matter however.

20 Million x 8 = 160 million.

 350,000 “”coronavirus-related”” deaths = 0.2187500% “death Rate ”

There’s no way 350K deaths were from chinavirus, logically literally or medically, this is not possible. Putting .2% in question. This means about half or more is fraud because of federal payments encouraging diagnosis of chinavirus ‘fatalities’. More than half of 350K are nursing home patients. Or those already dying.

Self-described socialist Chicago teacher thinks showing cleavage and spewing class warfare rhetoric absolves her from “the rules”, travels to Puerto Rico.

Of course now she is hiding her account because shes a hypocrote POS democrat opposing science and protesting school opening so she does not have to go to work.

In a post on Instagram — on an account that has now been made private — Chambers wrote, “Spending the last day of 2020 by the poolside. We have the whole pool to ourselves. Then, we are going to old San Juan to get some yummy seafood mofongo.”

On Twitter, Chambers identified herself as a “socialist.”

Sarah Chambers, who WGN said is on the union’s executive board and an area vice president and claimed she “led four strikes,” is opposed to schools returning to in-person learning on Monday. Chambers made several posts on Twitter this week attacking the plan.

“I got 4 covid tests (2 rapid, 2 PCR) b4 coming here & wore 2 masks (N95). Scientists said airplanes are safer than grocery stores bc airplanes have ICU level filtration & everyone wears masks,” she wrote.


SANDRA SMITH: A prominent doctor in California says he was fired after questioning stay at home orders in Contra Costa County. He said the lockdowns did more harm than good and caused needless suffering. Pointing out in a letter to county officials: “The science is clear that more lockdowns will lead to much more non-COVID morbidity and mortality.” Dr. Deboisblanc was removed from his post as trauma medical director for John Muir Health.

DR. MICHAEL DEBOISBLANC: It’s been a crazy week or so. A group of parents that we were working with the county tried to go back and forth with the county to try to get our kids back in school. The county was really not responding to any of their requests and they approached us and said, “Hey, would you mind writing a letter to the county to maybe express some of these issues?” All the data that I am aware of, looking at children and the virus, shows that it’s safe. There are many other states now that have months of track records showing that it’s safe for their kids to go back to school. And the state of California and the county is just not making that possible.


SMITH: Did they give you an explanation for that firing?

DR. DEBOISBLANC: It was clearly related to the letter. It was in a week of doing that. No, they have not put that down in writing. This isn’t really about me and John Muir. That’s a great hospital, they are doing amazing things. The doctors and nurses there taking care of COVID patients are risking their health every day. They just got the first round of the vaccine. And let me tell you, it’s a big relief for them.

Mask hoax continues to be ignored as if its describing gravitation pull science fact.


“When counties DID have a mandate in effect, there were 667,239 cases over 3,137 days with an average of 23 cases per 100,000 per day. When counties DID NOT have a countywide order, there were 438,687 cases over 12,139 days with an average of 22 cases per 100,000 per day.”

“When states DID have a mandate in effect, there were 9,605,256 cases over 5,907 total days and averaged 27 cases per 100,000 per day. When states DID NOT have a statewide order there were 5,781,716 cases over 5,772 total days averaging 17 cases per 100,000 people per day.”



“California broke its statewide records for both coronavirus cases reported and deaths reported in a single day on Wednesday,” The Hill reports. “The state reported 51,724 COVID-19 cases on Wednesday, breaking the previous record of 42,088 cases, which was just set on Monday, according to a Los Angeles Times tally.”



WASHINGTON (AP) — As COVID-19 cases skyrocketed before the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, Dr. Deborah Birx, coordinator of the White House coronavirus response, warned Americans to “be vigilant” and limit celebrations to “your immediate household.”

The day after Thanksgiving, she traveled to one of her vacation properties on Fenwick Island in Delaware. She was accompanied by three generations of her family from two households. Birx, her husband Paige Reffe, a daughter, son-in-law and two young grandchildren were present.


It appears that an excessive number of deaths for the year is not likely. To reach the level of total deaths in any year since 2017, the United States would need to experience between 8,395 to 10,579 deaths per day every day beginning on December 13th. This would be quite a feat given the fact that the case and infection fatality rates for COVID-19 have fallen significantly since the early pandemic with improved treatment.
