The group forecasts 75,000 deaths directly related to the pandemic. The economic and mental health effects have already been significant, with Just the Facts predicting 7 times the life-years will be lost to the shutdown than the severe social distancing will save.

It’s already starting and doctors in Northern California are calling for shutdown to end according to ABC7 in San Francisco:

John Nolte : Based on new facts, I have no choice but to officially retract my earlier statement that Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) should not be held responsible for any coronavirus deaths. Unfortunately, Cuomo is directly responsible for a number of coronavirus deaths. Possibly thousands.

Thats what you get for being ‘ nice ‘ . He was most certainly responsible. And so are almost all the Democrat State Governors who imposed lock-downs.


Such a message should be unnecessary. At the height of the Civil War, the U.S Supreme Court sternly rejected even minor alterations to criminal procedure to accommodate the crisis, noting that the Constitution applies “at all times and under all circumstances” and that “[n]o doctrine involving more pernicious consequences was ever invented by the wit of man than that any of its provisions can be suspended during any of the great exigencies of government.”

Image From Germany applies in the USA

MUNICH, GERMANY – MAY 16: Protesters hold signs reading Mask on, brain off and I am not a conspirator, I am just a mother and Give Gates no chance during a protest of about 1000 people against lockdown measures and other government policies relating to the novel coronavirus crisis on May 16, 2020 in Munich, Germany. About 1000 protesters from a wide spectrum of political creeds, from the simply disgruntled to conspiracy enthusiasts, gathered in cities nationwide to protest against government policies and measures many decry as disproportionate and undemocratic. Germany has been easing lockdown measures over recent weeks in an ongoing process. (Photo by Andreas Gebert/Getty Images)

NJ AHOLE GOV MURPHY doubles-down on stupid: New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy (D) on Monday stated the people of his state cannot “firmly enter the new normal” until a coronavirus vaccine is developed and available — something some experts warn may never come to fruition.

Until a proven vaccine is widely available, we cannot firmly enter the “new normal,” when life will once again return to all our workplaces, downtowns, and main streets.

Posted by Governor Phil Murphy on Monday, May 18, 2020

A Baker County judge on Monday granted 10 churches who sued the governor a preliminary injunction, finding Gov. Kate Brown’s restrictions on religious gatherings “null and void” because her emergency order due to the coronavirus pandemic had exceeded its 28-day limit.

Dr. Nicole Saphier, physician and author of Make America Healthy Again: How Bad Behavior and Big Government Caused a Trillion-Dollar Crisis, said it was unreasonable to make economic reopening contingent on development of a vaccine for the coronavirus, offering her remarks on Tuesday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily in an interview with host Alex Marlow.

PA’s WOLF critics getting mad….It’s about time. —–Personal liberty has been executive-ordered eliminated in the USA. STOP IT NOW. Theres no authority to stop commerce for two months.

Kris Ross, the owner of K&R Contractors who attended the Reopen Pennsylvania protest at the state’s Capitol on Friday, said that her business has been affected by the “bullsh*t” shutdown and told Breitbart News that Gov. Tom Wolf (D) “doesn’t give a flying f about anybody but himself.”

President Trump resuming W.H.O. taxpayer-funding….

Carlson reported that the letter states, “Despite [its] shortcomings, I believe that the W.H.O. still has tremendous potential, and want to see the W.H.O live up to this potential, particularly now during this global crisis” and “That is why I’ve decided that the United States will continue to partner and work with the World Health Organization and agree to pay up to what China pays in assessed contributions.”

FAUCI loves Tedros’


The idea that the worldwide lockdown of virtually every country other than Sweden may have been an enormous mistake strikes many — including world leaders; most scientists, especially health officials, doctors and epidemiologists; those who work in major news media; opinion writers in those media; and the hundreds of millions, if not billions, of people who put their faith in these people — as so preposterous as to be immoral. Timothy Egan of The New York Times described Republicans who wish to enable their states to open up as “the party of death.”