One of the most memorable COVID projections for Sweden
— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) July 26, 2020
Epidemiologist – 60K fatalities
Actual – 5.6K fatalities
Author Archives: Unlocked
The odds of a kid under the age of 15 dying of #COVID19 are 1 in 1.7 million… but since most kids do NOT suffer from comorbidities those odds move to 1 in 8.5M
— Justin Hart (@justin_hart) July 26, 2020
Even with the raw odds kids under 15 have a better chance of getting hit by lightning than dying of #COVID19.
Someone asked how it would look just doing the 50 states and DC. I ran the numbers with California counting as N. Tropical (under 35 N). @Hold2LLC graphed this. Check out the correlation to the same flu pattern.
— Kyle Lamb (@kylamb8) July 25, 2020
The case fatality rate for people in Florida who tested positive in June or early July was MUCH lower than it was in April. The overall death rate has dropped by 75%, over 65 dropped by half, and under 65 dropped by 71%.
— Jennifer Cabrera (@jhaskinscabrera) July 24, 2020
TX Border vs. Non-Border chart thru 7/26: Several things notable.
— Matt Malkus (@malkusm) July 27, 2020
1. Border has peaked?! First time I've made this chart where that may be case.
2. Non-border: Deaths slight uptick, but cases solidly past peak.
3. Mexico may have peaked 2 weeks ago – provides greater confidence.
High schoolers have a greater risk of opioid overdose or suicide than dying of #COVID19 but even if you're as old as 24 – you have a better chance of dying from falling down the stairs than dying of #COVID19.
— Justin Hart (@justin_hart) July 27, 2020
Look, I’m no DeSantis fan and I can no longer stand Cuomo, but at some point we need to start being honest. No more victory laps @NYGovCuomo time to admit your colossal failure.
— Pajamas It Is (@HeckofaLiberal) July 26, 2020
it appears we must say this yet again:
— el gato malo (@boriquagato) July 26, 2020
"discussing case counts in covid without reference to testing levels is tantamount to lying."
it ignores sampling rate. test any given population twice as much as you find twice as many cases.
it does not make disease more prevalent.
Daily COVID-19 tests per thousand people.
— Matt Margolis 🇺🇸 (@mattmargolis) July 27, 2020
More small businesses are giving up.
— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) July 25, 2020

Prove it Fauci!
I double dog dare y’all give me a urine sample.
— Stella Immanuel MD (@stella_immanuel) July 27, 2020
As we all predicted, the cure will be worse than the disease. STOP IT NOW!
Sixty percent of restaurants in the United States that were closed during the coronavirus lockdowns will not reopen, according to a survey Yelp released on Monday.
I will not be buried by the democrat controlled media/search engines

Chinavirus lockdowns, Hypocritical police policy arresting masking violators, but allowing rioters to literally burn buildings down and COPS who are expected to be the karens’
JULY 2: Hydroxychloroquine lowers COVID-19 death rate, Henry Ford Health study finds
During a heated exchange with Trump Campaign Communications Director Tim Murtaugh this week, CNN Anchor Brianna Keiler claimed hydroxychloroquine, a decades old malaria drug, “kills people.” The comments were cut off in the online version of the interview, but aired live.
99.8 % have no significant disease related to chinavirus.
“THE CASES” are not relevant.
Was the lockdown successful? I say yes very successful. Successful in things like this. Anxiety hotline calls up 1000 percent. Child abuse both sexual and non up. Financially, emotional distress, Suicide. Alcohol. 150,000 Americans a month not receiving cancer screening. It’s been effective alright, in all the wrong metrics — in all the areas we didn’t want it to be effective. Delay in medical care. We talked about that. Orthopedics, nonessential. Suicide calls up 600 percent. Suicide calls. We heard other doctors mention this. So was the lockdown effective? If that’s the effect you were going for, then yes but it was trying to flatten the curve but it had these secondary consequences that I think are devastating. People staying indoors. No exercising as you mentioned. No Vitamin D.
A Tale of two drugs.
A tale of two drugs…
— James Todaro, MD (@JamesTodaroMD) June 29, 2020
Remdesivir & HCQ both show promise for COVID-19
HCQ is discredited w/ fraudulent data, FDA warnings & overdoses
Remdesivir is praised w/ tightly guarded data by the NIH and a task force of Gilead investors/employees
HCQ: Under $10
Remdesivir: Over $3000
HCQ works
HCQ must be over the counter! Safe, FDA-approved 65 years, OK pregnant, breast-feeding, children, elderly, immune-compromised! Patients need access but the FDA, HHS, Governors, state medical boards and the media are all working against it. #whitecoatsummit
— Dr. Simone Gold (@drsimonegold) July 15, 2020
HCQ Should be over-the-counter NOW. Everyone at risk should be put on HCQ. No Masks needed.
HCQ must be over the counter! Safe, FDA-approved 65 years, OK pregnant, breast-feeding, children, elderly, immune-compromised! Patients need access but the FDA, HHS, Governors, state medical boards and the media are all working against it. #whitecoatsummit
— Dr. Simone Gold (@drsimonegold) July 15, 2020
Americans are being lied to by political activist’s who happen to be in the medical field.
Here is the opposition to the panic porn narrative. Experts, that don’t believe in the panic porn. The barrier to school re-starting is SCHOOL UNIONS, Not Science. HCQ restriction is criminal.
…solution to all this is refuse to go in any business enforcing mask mandates
Planet Fitness to require members to wear face masks while working out in gyms
“Judge” rules medical mask mandates are no different than a band-aid.
NJ State judges literally putting people in local jails for violating executive orders/disaster declarations, in violation of 200 years of legal precedent.
BELLMAWR, New Jersey (WPVI) — The owners of a New Jersey gym that repeatedly defied Gov. Phil Murphy’s executive order to remain closed during the COVID-19 pandemic were arrested Monday.
….we are not legally required to. The mandate is invalid. It’s only being ‘enforced’ due to irrational compliance.
Why do we even bother to wear masks when these slobbering nincompoops are spreading COVID like jam on toast?
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) July 27, 2020
Want a quick end to facemask-diapers? Refuse to enter any business that enforces it
Even Mexican business owners have had enough of the intentional economic Trainwreck
Why any restriction on assembly weather it is church or any other gathering is illegal, including govt imposed distancing and masking mandates
Freedom of assembly and religion. Denied.
And so it begins!
Miami Mayor Francis Suarez is calling on residents to wear masks inside their own homes to reduce the spread of COVID-19 among family members, Business Insider reports.
Masking fraud becoming overwhelmingly obvious.
Fatal Fraud
Time for Americans to boycott all business that mandate face diapers?
We all knew this was the case -before- the first 15 days expired; which has now been 4 MONTHS!
Negatives are 100, positives are still ZERO.
The unconstitutional micromanagement of a free society ( or what was )
Why masking mandates are an outrageous infringement on civil liberty. And why they dont work. And why civil liberties are in peril.
Economic recovery stalls due to Texas California reverting back to unconstitutional economic state/local shutdown policies
TX state Rep Briscoe – Masking mandates are not constitutional.
Facediaper report
Amid reopening debate, CDC reports school-age kids make up tiny fraction of COVID deaths
Districts are announcing indefinite closings over pandemic but data shows children 5- to 14-years-old constitute just 0.012% of COVID-19 deaths.
Lockdowns created and caused more domestic violence, as predicted.
Constitutional right to freedom of assembly and religion still being violated
Following that trip, Cuomo earlier this week was asked by media if he would be self-quarantining after his return from Georgia. The governor said he would not, declaring himself an “essential worker” under his own rule’s exemptions. His administration also noted that the quarantine rule does not apply to individuals passing through a flagged state for less than 24 hours.
Even the BRITS have had enough of the chicom facemask fraud!
Friday is your chance to show your opposition to government #facemask guidelines.
— Keep Britain Free #KBF (@BritainFree) July 22, 2020
Share your #NoMaskSelfie with us from inside a shop and let’s get this protest going.
The latest study in the Lancet offers a taste of the embarrassments to come. It’s titled “A country level analysis measuring the impact of government actions, country preparedness and socioeconomic factors on COVID-19 mortality and related health outcomes”.
Here is the killer sentence:
However, in our analysis, full lockdowns and wide-spread COVID-19 testing were not associated with reductions in the number of critical cases or overall mortality.
Yes, that’s right. According to this study, there is still no evidence that the radical measures taken by various governments to combat coronavirus made a difference in the mortality rate. Boris Johnson’s lockdown was a massive waste of time, money and possibly of lives too. His compulsory masks policy looks like a desperate attempt to prolong the scare in order to make the government’s earlier overreaction look less culpably stupid.
Unconstitutional lockdown/shutdowns/economic havoc was as everyone knew, BOGUS and should be stopped immediately.
The reasons for Trump to fire Fraud-Fauci are piling up and he keeps ignoring it to his own political peril and Americans freedoms.
It was August 22, 2005, to be precise when the Virology Journal, the official publication of Fauci’s NIH, published a blockbuster article revealing chloroquine as “a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread.” In this paper, researchers working under Fauci wrote:
“We report … that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage.”
It’s all scam! The guy who made the guidelines doesnt follow them! No social distancing, no mask! You have been scammed! Fauci is a fraud!
— (@Networkinvegas) July 24, 2020

ROME epidemiologist tells the public figures to stop scaremongering.
“It is evident that today everything is very different from 5 months ago,” he said.
Bassetti said that these data show that “the clinical evolution of the disease has changed profoundly in the last two-three months” and is no longer “the same one we met in March.”
This is what you get when you obey tyranny. You get more.
News media will for sure ignore any positive news like this.
The Chinavirus-shutdown, Great-American Tax Hike is under way
HI still arresting visitors for unconstitutional/unlawful quarantine mandate. Again, E/O’s are not laws.
In the 1999 case of Saenz v. Roe, Justice John Paul Stevens, writing for the majority, said that the “right to travel” also has a component protected by the Privileges or Immunities Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment:[18]
Despite fundamentally differing views concerning the coverage of the Privileges or Immunities Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, most notably expressed in the majority and dissenting opinions in the Slaughter-House Cases (1873), it has always been common ground that this Clause protects the third component of the right to travel. Writing for the majority in the Slaughter-House Cases, Justice Miller explained that one of the privileges conferred by this Clause “is that a citizen of the United States can, of his own volition, become a citizen of any State of the Union by a bona fide residence therein, with the same rights as other citizens of that State.”
Justice Samuel Freeman Miller had written in the Slaughter-House Cases that the right to become a citizen of a state by residing in the state “is conferred by the very article under consideration.”[12]
Will Americans ever know the truth about actual chinavirus fatal cases in NY?

Miami Cops actually -looking- for arrests for chicom masks. Those that do are violating their oath to defend the constitution and should be fired.
City officials are now looking to ramp up enforcement, reportedly dedicating a team of 39 police officers to back the mandate, according to the Sun-Sentinel. The first three offenses will come with a fine of $50, $100, and $500 depending on if it was a first, second, or third violation. After that, the individual can face jail time.
OH GOV executive orders another unconstitutional , un-scientific, disproven medical mandate.
Beginning tomorrow at 6:00pm, citizens in all Ohio counties will be under a mandatory mask order while out in public.
— Governor Mike DeWine (@GovMikeDeWine) July 22, 2020
Elected officials, State, Local county and city, and Federal continue to destroy civil liberty and basic freedom in The USA via Executive Order. Unchallenged.
Mask Mandates. Quarantine Mandates. GPS bracelets. House Arrest Mandates. Closing Civil Courts. Closing criminal Courts. Distancing Mandates. Random business closure. Targeted business closure. Utilities shut off. Closure of public and national parks.
…none of these executive orders were passed into law by any state legislature and allowed to be vetted and challenged by the victims.
The Constitution of the United States has been erased by nearly every State Governor.
Slime bag Gov Whitmer defunds state cops + expects them to enforce unconstitutional executive orders.
Minnesota latest to issue unconstitutional, unscientific, vastly debunked medical mandate to all under threat of arrest.
Silly idiots and masks strike NFL
For those wondering, yes, it is league-wide: fans at NFL games this season will be required to wear face coverings
— Brian McCarthy (@NFLprguy) July 22, 2020
CA is destroying business
California Has Highest Number of Permanent Business Closures
Ruling class destroys American Economy
Fatal rate craters

chinavirus comparisons
Do you know how many people were hospitalized in 2009-2010 with the swine flu? Three hundred thousand were hospitalized. So 60 million people infected, 300,000 hospitalized.
Pelosi is a traitor. Nothing democrats say should have any impact on policy/funding for chinavirus.
“I think with the president’s comments today, he recognized the mistakes he has made by now embracing mask-wearing and the recognition this is not a hoax, it is a pandemic that has gotten worse before it will get better because of his inaction. And, in fact, clearly, it is the Trump virus,” Pelosi said.
“The Trump virus: If he had said months ago, let’s wear masks and let’s not – let’s socially distance instead of rallies and whatever they were, then more people would have followed his lead,” Pelosi replied. “He’s the president of the United States.”
“Stay home ” orders are literally killing people and literally making more people become infected
SEOUL (Reuters) – South Korean epidemiologists have found that people were more likely to contract the new coronavirus from members of their own households than from contacts outside the home.
Fatal rate continues to drop like a brick out of a window
ATLANTA – As the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Georgia approaches 150,000, the number of COVID-19 cases across the U.S. could be 10 times higher, according to a new study from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention.
Death count is Lies
US congress wants more virus welfare instead of ending the emergency.
Widespread lockdown returns to Shitcago
Texas hospital admission that Patients from Mexico causing increase in hospital/infected
Trump must stop the virus welfare
Gym owner still being prosecuted for not obeying unconstitutional shutdown in NJ
More admission that masking is worthless junk science.
Why is the president suddenly stoking fear and praising debunked chicom masking? Did someone tell him to do this ?
Fatal rate dropping / Masking is proven junk science. 99% non fatal.
LYRUS reports
South Texas city issues another blatant unconstitutional house arrest/curfew order
3/4 of these cases are from people crossing the border from Mexico.
Shelter at home as if theres a nuclear war fallout? And does the virus only come out at night between 10pm and 5am?
Except the ‘order’ is worthless.
Chicom mask mandates and virtuesignaling are un-american.
N95’s And other masks. This, is the science debunking masking.

_NO_ Bed shortage in Florida. Case increase is not relevant, other than the fatal rate dropping like a brick
The real story out of Florida is incredible: 150,000 #SARSCoV2 positive tests in the last two weeks, and effectively NO change in either total hospitalizations or ICU use statewide. Case mix? A huge advance in medicine? This is the story real reporters should chase.
— Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) July 19, 2020
Bioweapons effectiveness exposed as effective against American idiots who ” comply ” with wrecking their own economy.
In his chapter for a new book published by the Center for Security Policy, Defending Against BioThreats: What We Can Learn from the Coronavirus Pandemic to Enhance U.S. Defenses Against Pandemics and Biological Weapons, Charles Faddis argues that the pandemic has exposed several weaknesses likely to be exploited in the future by terrorists planning bio-terror attacks.
The coronavirus and its mask mandates have unmasked a hostile ruling class that does not deserve our obedience.
30 million doses by Sept?
Separately in May, the U.K.’s Business Secretary Alok Sharma said the Oxford vaccine trial, if successful, could deliver 30 million doses by September. The U.K. government has invested in 100 million vaccine doses, according to reports.
Coronavirus: Trial shows experimental drug prevents 79% of COVID-19 cases from progressing
Americans call Bullshit on this liar’s defense of Cuomo killing 10,000+
Texas attorney general forbids local authorities from shutting down churches, religious schools
fake china virus news!
Reports Of A Surge In Coronavirus Cases In Texas Infants Is False, Official Says
E/O’s are not laws punishable by arrest or fine or confinement; no E/O’s curtails any virus’s
Michigan sheriffs are increasingly hesitant to enforce coronavirus-related executive orders from Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D), who has issued over 150 such edicts to curtail the pandemic.
The tale of two fatal stats
Masking is not science. Mandates are oppressive government over reach. Masking mandates and shutdowns make people afraid to go outdoors.
…further shut-downs and lock-downs will permanently bankrupt business.